. . . other than my own. It took me about 2 months and five dealers to finally get my car, so they are definitely selling, but I have yet to see another Gen III in person that was not on a dealer lot.
I see about 10-15 Gen II's every day but I can go a week without seeing a Gen III... and that's in SoCal.
I saw my first one this morning at Target. In the lot this morning was our blizzard pearl(white) a red Gen III, and a Blue Gen II. I thought that would be a good omen for the Olympic announcements today. I guess not....
The OP lives in the wrong state: the land of Big Oil and even bigger trucks. Perhaps you might see some in Austin. Tom
i see about half a dozen Gen III's every day.. a few dozen Gen II's every day. i've even seen a few LS600h's and 1 HS250
I see a Gen 3 about every other day, while I see 5-10 daily of the Gen 2. Usually its the boomerang taillight that I notice first. We have 5 years of Gen 3's on the road so its going to be a while before then Gen 3's overtake then Gen 2's. I have not seen a LS600H yet..... I have only seen one Fusion Hybrid so far.
The Ford F-150/250, Hummer H2, and Chevy Tahoe do rule the roads in my part of the world, but I do see a fair number of Prii in Dallas and Austin, and even a few in my town of 80,000. Not a single Gen III, however. The day I bought mine (last week of August), the valet at my hotel in Dallas said he had never seen one.
Numbers are growing here. I see them more frequently on freeways over the past month, and there's a bliz white in my work parking lot. I discovered I was trailing my "evil twin" a few days ago downtown!
Not that many about yet in the Twin Cities. I see lots of Gen IIs. Only see a Gen III every 4 or 5 days (excluding the other one in my neighborhood which I, of course, see daily). Seen a couple Blizzards, a couple silver, one red, one gray and one blue.
Just guessing, you understand, but it appears you were not in my neck o' the woods. I see at least half of a dozen Gen2s every day, and that's only when I'm driving to and from my office (4 miles) or going out for lunch or a client meeting. I see Gen3s in spurts -- maybe 2 or 3 on a given day, then a day or two without seeing one.
I live about 15-20 miles East of a Priori, (or at least his dealership) and can confirm that while sporadic, they have been everywhere the last few weeks, and I have seen between 3-10 every day, although I sometimes go several days without a sighting.
Two months ago I was whining that I hadn't seen any in the wild in the northeast, but now they're popping out all over around the already-prius-heavy Boston area. This is good to see, albeit some of them are flying down the left lane on the interstates... . I wouldn't expect to see many of then in the red states; heck, how many second-gens does anyone see in some of those areas?? Virtually nil. Weenie hybrid girlie cars that only fit three hay bales; total dealbreaker. . _H*
There is one Gen III (winter gray metallic) that parks in the same section of the lot I do at my apartment complex, though I have yet to see who it belongs to. I have also seen two other blue ribbon metallics (which is what I have) parked in driveways in the town where I work (this is all Western Suburbs of Chicago). I always get excited and hope to see owners so I can talk to them, but alas I never do
I just bought my 2010 Prius two days ago and have noticed quite few others driving around town (South Florida). This car is a work of art. Patrick
I think all the III's are in Santa Monica, CA. This place has to be the Prius capital of the world. I swear you couldn't stand in any intersection in the city and count to 10 and not see at least one Prius. I see at least half a dozen Gen 3's each day and countless II's.
One dark grey Prius Gen III in my parking lot at work, and one blizzard white that I've seen mainly at the old fashioned ice cream stand (appropriate place). Also lots of NYC Prius taxis (haven't noticed if there are Gen IIIs there, but I'm sure there will be soon)!!
As I was being taken from the body shop to the rental car place after dropping off my Prius, I saw my first "other" Gen III. It was a classic silver Prius III or IV. At least I know there is another one on the roads of my town keeping watch while mine is sidelined