I just heard a very loud startling pop inside while driving my car through the neighborhood. The sensation felt like it was somewhere in the back. I was in my driveway within a minute, I looked under the hood and under the car. I inspected all the tires and exterior for any signs of being hit with some kind of projectile. Found nothing. I pulled out the plastic compartment in the back to look for any sings of rupture or weird smells. Found nothing. The car appears to work just fine with no messages or indicators showing abnormalities. I did a search and found this post: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/7188-loud-noise-pow.html The post talks of alignment/steering issues but my steering feels normal. I cant take it in for check until Monday morning. Any safety or technical maybes I should be aware? I don't want to cause any damage or risk lives. Thanks
I've got no idea what that could be but honestly, if the car is driving fine and there is nothing visibly seen, maybe you just ran over something you didn't see like a branch, some kids ball, quite anything...
Thanks Paradox I might just be worrying about nothing. I swear it felt like it was in the car like a miniature shock wave. No kids out playing and the street was clear so who knows. I'll keep my head on a swivel.
For safe measure, you could go drive around the area where you heard the noise if it is close by your house and see if there is something in the road that appears to be from your car. Maybe something like one of the pieces of plastic under the car to aid in air flow, but still, I just can;t see it coming off for no reason. I guess just doing a 'drive by' of the area can put your mind at ease...
I was going about 10 mph when it happened. I did not mention I pulled over to see if some kids threw a fircracker or something. I saw nothing in the street and no kids around. My windows were all rolled up when it happened that's why it really scared the shirt off me. t/a
you say the sound came from inside the car? were the windows open? ok. post answered the window question. i ran over a juice box once a few years ago. it was pretty loud, but hard to mistake something like that as far as where the sound came from. even with the windows open, it was easy to tell it was something i ran over
I pulled over immediately, there was nothing in the street. Unsolved mystery. Hopefully im not hearing things.
Around this time of year in my area, we get a lot of acorns bouncing off the roof. Very sharp and loud, but not enough to damage. What sort of flora falls off trees in your area? . _H*
Oaks and pines are common in northeast FL. Acorns aren't falling yet. The sensation was like somone popping a clipboard in the backseat but not as metallic-sounding.
Mystery Solved This morning in broad daylight I looked over the car carefully. I found a small etch on the L/R window with some chalky residue. Someone must have hurled a rock at me and was gone by the time I pulled over and looked around. This incident took place during night time. Good thing it did not break or crack the glass since these windows are VIN numbered. I rubbed the etch down with my thumb so its not very noticeable unless its pointed out to you. I appreciate everyones reply at least I don't have to get the car checked out.
I thought about this thread after having a similar experience the other day. I was driving home after school and came to a stop in traffic on a steep hill, inclined upwards. As I was waiting for the light to turn green and traffic to move, I had my foot on the brake, then off the break for a few seconds before traffic moved enough so that I could put my foot on the acceleration and get moving. While my foot was off any pedal, and (I don't know much about cars) it was just the transmission being in 'drive' that was keeping the car from rolling backwards, I heard the exact sound you describe, though, I thought, "just not as loud." Things seem find; I've been a little hyper-vigilant, looking for any little noise or vibration that seems out of the norm, and have noticed some suspicious things but really, nothing that couldn't be explained by admitting to a little healthy paranoia. Really, I would have figured it was my imagination if I hadn't recalled this thread. Sounds like your issue was something totally different, nobody threw anything at my car, but it was weird to experience something so similar.
I have had the same thing happen with my 2008 Prius. I'll be driving along and I'll hear a loud pop, like a rock just hit the side or something. This noise has happened 3 times from both sides of the car. At first. I thought a rock hit the car, but it keeps happening. No damage, no smells, everything else sees fine. No steering issues. Freaks me out though. Like you, I just want to know this is not a safety issue.???
I am certain I did not run over anything. Absoultely certain. And I am certain it is coming from the car. Like I said it has happened three times driving at about 40-45 miles per hour on rural roads. Very weird. It is a very loud pop.
hard to say, my '08 never did that. maybe a suspension issue? do you think you can duplicate it for the dealer?
Looks like the OP solved their mystery but I thought I would chime in with a similar experience. Same situation, VERY loud sharp pop within the car. Scared the shart out of me! It ended up being a cold plastic bottle of water that I had brought with me and I had drunk about half of it. I guess with the air inside warming up and expanding, it pushed out a little dent in the side. WAY louder than I would have ever expected from a cheap plastic bottle but has happened several times since. A few times in the house. Scares me every time!
I agree this has also happened to me. From a empty/half empty bottle water. It makes a loud snapping sound and can scare the crap out of you.
I used to carry 'canned air' for cleaning computers out, in the back of my Prius. It only takes one time that it explodes in the back seat before you rethink that plan.
I had a 2011 Prius Two. I heard a sound like that a couple of times with it. Once when I was sitting at a stop light. A very loud pop. I could find nothing. Never had any problems whatsoever with the car. A mystery to me.