Relax. The end of September was only a trial period. You don't have to fix *everything* before that. You could start with my hard drive that recently crashed... Tom
I can't start fixing anything until I actually am emperor of the world. But to be perfectly honest with you (because if I ever am emperor of the world, I intend to be an honest emperor) I think your hard drive is going to be pretty low on the priority list. Maybe you should just find a computer repair shop.
Sorry, I keep mixing up the distinction between "emperor" and "god". If you were the latter, a simple wave of your hand would do the trick. As for NTFS, I don't think I can blame it this time. The drive has totally packed it in, and exhibits the classic symptoms of hardware failure: "click, whir, click, whir, click, whir, scrape, whir, click whir, ..." Daniel, I *am* the computer repair shop. I am reloading from backups even as I type this on another computer. [sarcasm] I just *love* doing system restores.[/sarcasm] Tom
If such a thing as a god existed, I'd probably want to be one. And if I were god, I would definitely fix your HD. Two Mormon missionaries once told me that if you live a perfect life, you get to be a god afterwards, and you can make worlds, etc. They also said that the god of this world, was just some guy who lived a perfect life on another world, and so got to be a god. Ad infinitum, into the past and future. I have not lived a perfect life. I've done a few good things, and a lot of bad things. So I won't get to be a god in the afterlife. Unless, of course, the Mormons are wrong, and everyone gets to be a god in the afterlife. Good luck with your system restore.
I heard a remark on TV last night that certainly applies to me: "You have the body of a GOD!" "Yeah, Buddha..."
Buddha is not a god. The Buddhists do not really have a god. Buddha is just a guy who figured out how to end the cycle of reincarnation. Of course, since reincarnation is as ridiculous as all religion, Buddha solved a non-problem. Sorry. I'm in a bad mood today. I hurt my leg yesterday and could not jog this morning. Jogging is my morphine. Or my Prozac. I need it or I'll be in a in a bad mood.
Huh, I've never lost a HD I've been personally responsible for. Of course, I'm pretty careful about cooling, power protection, etc
I haven't lost many either, although I've replaced some on clients computers. It's a sickening feeling when you hear it going through that little death rattle dance. I usually try denial for awhile, but then I have to admit I have a problem. In this case the drive is about three years old. I bought a couple of them at the time for a very good price. Perhaps the price was too good. Tom
If that means a world without guns, you can count me in. The flying noodle thing is probably best described as a lifestyle rather that a religion. The word 'religion' just conjures up bad images before you have even got started. The whole idea reminds me of the wonderful late John Lennons song IMAGINE.
I can't imagine why you say that. We have a divine creator, and a creation myth, and heaven after you die, and we call gravity "just a theory" and we even have a beer volcano in heaven. I think we qualify as a religion. The only difference between Pastafarianism and other religions is that all of them are wrong and ours is right. :rockon:
Then you are no different from other religions, because every Religious fanatic claim THEY are right? So you already have a problem with your idealistic world.
I am not a religion. Pastafarianism is the religion. But, yes, Pastafarianism differs from other religions in only two main ways: It promises a beer volcano in heaven, which no other religion does, and it is the true religion, which no other religion is. In other words, we're right and they're wrong. But what's significant about my religious policies if I were to be emperor of the world is not the specific religion, but the simple fact that if everyone in the world believed the same religion (regardless of which!) there would be no more religious wars or religious discrimination. It does not matter which religion I would decree. It matters only that I would end all religious dispute by decreeing that everyone believe the same religion. Pastafarianism happens to be an easy religion to adopt because you don't have to cut your genitals or refrain from eating certain foods on certain days and it does not force children to listen to terrifying stories of hell (Pastafarianism has no hell) and it is not prudish about sex, and you get to look forward to a beer volcano in the afterlife. I don't see what you dislike in all of this.
Elsewhere in our little universe, we find this little gem: . Perhaps we're starting to uncover the root of the wimmin problem... . _H*
I hate making love on a full stomach, why don't we slip back to my place before I take you out to dinner? Works a treat. (so I am told) I'd follow the religion which has as policy that the word must not be spread and you can still be a nice person even if you don't believe. Oh, and a religion who's god is confident enough that his/her followers do not have to suck up to him/her every week for an hour or more.
But I don't like Beer. What you are describing is Dictatorship. (YOU will follow the religion I choose)