When ever I stop at a stoplight and go to "play" with the screen, I rest my hand on that "ledge" (I think is the right word for this one) and that is rather warm. Has anyone noticed this before and is it normal? Thanks Brian
I've noticed this as well, but am not concerned about it at all. Soon, as the temperatures climb above 100, I won't even be able to notice it. :wink:
I noticed it for the first time today, too. I was wodering if it was in part from (rare) sunshine in the Northwest.
Another thing I have noticed, is that with the darker interior, the steering wheel is black, and in the heat, that thing just cooks! Not worried about that though.
I think it's more heat from the electronics behind that area, but yeah. I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about, I've got it in my car too and it seems pretty common. -m.
I heard a good one today about exterior paint color. Here in the desert Southwest there are really only two exterior color choices for a car: 1) white 2) stupid (please note that I chose option #1)
Oh, no argument there. I've just heard many comments that it (or any light-colored fabric) shows dirt more readily.
I noticed the heat under the display and was worried that it was from the display so I performed a quickie experiment. I checked the display the next day when I had been driving for several hours but it was raining and there was no heat. I checked that same night and there was no heat. I'm convinced the heat is just from sunshine on the flat surface heating it up.