Just a little question... Does the air con work from the engine? or will it still run when car is only running on battery? (ie under 30mph) Ann Marie
If you mean the Prius, Gen I (2001-03) used a belt from the engine, but Gens II (2004-09) and III (2010-?) have electric A/C. (in the US, but I suspect the UK as well)
Hi I dont actually own a Prius yet, have just put a holding deposit on one though so will be a proud ownder in about 2 weeks :cheer2: The Prius I am buying is a T Spirit 2003 53plate, its actually the 2004 model... (is a Gen II shape) I am also in the UK (not sure if the Prius's are the same..would hope so!) Ann Marie
New user, wrong group, probably need to move thread to NHW20 area. The reason is the NHW20 area has experts in your type of vehicle, it is the hatch back, right? You'll like that group. Bob Wilson
It is called the Generation II group and has sub-forums for specific areas. Because the different ways Europe handles the model year and the somewhat confusing way we do it in the USA, I try to use the vehicle model identifier: NHW10 - sold only in Japan but occasionally shows up as isolated exports, this was the first Prius. NHW11 - sold in Japan, North America and Europe, it is a sedan body (aka. saloon) shaped somewhat like the Ford Focus. NHW20 - sold in Japan, North America, Europe and some Pacific countries, it is the hatchback with a much improved battery pack. ZVW30 - today's model with a 1.8L engine I would recommend reading the Wiki article about the Prius. It will answer many high level questions. Then the NHW20 experts in the "Generation II" forum can fill in the blanks. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Thanks Bob Yes it is the hatchback one. I was wondering if there was an area for people in europe. I will go look at that now. Thanks again. Ann Marie