Thanks again to everyone! Much appreciated. I would say that if you believe in God, you will be blessed. If you believe in Allah, you will receive much riches in the afterlife. If you believe in the Mighty Spaghetti Monster, you will receive extra meatballs! In other words, good things come to those who help others, is what I always believe.
Our efforts to help TJ weren't enough...he has passed away. Condolences to his family & friends, who might end up reading this one day thanks to Google...TJ will be forever indexed. Diabetes has a nasty way of sneaking up on it's victims due to the blood poisoning. TJ inspired me to diet, as being obese increases dramatically the chance of Type 2 diabetes, and my Mom's brother has it. I was actually planning on telling TJ today, in this very thread, that I made it halfway, 20 pounds lost, just to find out TJ went all the way out of my life. TJ I miss you already.
i totally missed this thread. i guess not enough bumps if you look that TJ posted just a few days before and then on the 15e the post came with the bad news. thats how fast it can go.... i wunder the total amount of money that he got with this thread i guess that what ever amount it was it gave him a good feeling. also here Condolences to his family & friends.