Funny thing is, 108 isn't that fast, I've been much faster and sustained speeds on the Autobahn. 108 would be insane on city streets, but your in the right lane on the Autobahn, so blanket statements like over 100 MPH in a Prius is asking for a Darwin award may not be correct. I think I may have had mine to 60, I don't see the point either, but to say someone is irresponsible and reckless without having any of the facts isn't a fair statement.
Funny - it is a very safe car, and when on the Autobahn (which ironically is crazy speed controlled for much of it), there should be no issues. If Toyota designs a car that goes 112MPH, then it better do just that - and safely. A while back auto manufacturers started electronically limiting speeds to match the tires. I believe today, most high end cars are rated around 149. I had a 1990 BMW 750 that would do 165 - I think around 1992 they (BMW/Mercedes) changed the top speeds. Funny thing - it would hit 165, and just stay there (no hesitation - almost like cruise control). I kept Z rated tires on that car - and they always lasted exactly 12,000 miles (ouch). Tire ratings - what they mean Q- Up to 100mph R- Up to 106mph S- Up to 112mph T- Up to 118mph U- Up to 124mph H- Up to 130mph V- Up to 149mph W- Up to 168mph Y- Up to 186mph Z- 149mph and up
If some of you guys think that driving 108 mph with both hands on the wheel and 100% focused on driving is dangerous, just try driving 65 mph while talking on a cell phone or texting. Now that scares the shit out of me! (Here in the Silicon Valley I see that being done every day - which is the main reason I don't ride my motorcycle very much in this urban area.) Keith
Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly!! I would add: Trying to take a right turn on red while smoking and talking on a cell phone -- saw it attempted just the other day. Imagine how unsafe that is for the cars headed into that intersection at 45mph? On the autobahns you have plenty of clear vision and no crossroads.
Saw someone driving an old Subaru on I-5 while playing a soprano sax. Never seen this before - hope to never see it again!
Driving too fast for the CONDITIONS, heavy traffic, weather, etc. is reckless. Backing out of a driveway without looking for pedestrians or kids is reckless. Texting, daydreaming, yammering on the phone is reckless. Street racing is reckless. My mother driving ANYWHERE is reckless. "Cogito, ergo Zoom" : "I THINK, therefore I go fast." Pure speed is not "reckless".
Before anybody says the 130 MPH Prius was nothing, it takes HP to go fast. The model of my Wife's car only went 217 with 1100 HP and it's 400Hp stock level get's it to 165 MPH, so to get 50 more MPH, you have to almost triple the HP. So, 130 is impressive, considering.
Absolutely! If you read the Road and Track article, you will find that the Prius broke the current record for 1500 cc sedans. Of course, thye Prius has a couple hundred foot pounds of torque added in the form of electric motors, making the comparison a bit academic. But, still and all, it is interesting that an esentially stock car designed for economy beat a car with unlimited restrictions regarding naturally-aspirated engine build-up (the hot rod VW that currently holds the record). All of which has me wondering if an Echo could be set up to take that record. We're headed to Speed Week in 2010 and were wondering if we were going to compete or watch. Hmmm....
My Prius came with Toyo Proxes R30 215/45R17 87W tires. The "W" means that the tire is specified for 270km/h, not bad for a car with a max. speed of 180km/h
Imagine doing 108 mph on the autobahn, and it's a lower visibility day, and someone in front of you slams on their brakes and you can barely see their tail lights because they put window tint on them because it looked cool? Now that is freaking scary! (To the other poster, I seriously doubt if you have four passengers in the car you are ever 100% focused at 108 mph.)
Had my 2004 at 108mph (speed limiter) for 10 minutes or more on a flat straight smooth dry and windless Stuart Highway in Northern Territory. It was effortless and quite safe. Visibility was to the horizon in all directions. Had 3 people (me + 2) in the car and luggage for a 2 week holiday.
"When we showed Toyota our wobbly shot of the Prius's gauges at 102 MPH, they expressed disappointment that we hadn't maxed the car out to its 112 MPH top speed and not at all worried about our instantaneous MPG figure." I read it here: 2010 Toyota Prius: First Drive - 2010 Toyota Prius - Jalopnik
It is not such a big deal driving with 108mph over the autobahn. You only have to watch your rear view mirror for the odd mercedes, bmw or audi thundering along with 130, 150mph or so You have to drive focused but relaxed.
Now imagine driving on a high-visibility day at 75MPH (in a 75MPH zone of course - I'm sure you've never driven over 81...) - then, out of the woods, comes a large deer - you swerve to miss the deer, and continue on your way - when *suddenly* a wall of rain and sleet come to barrage your site and mind. Next imagine slowing down a bit due to the lack of visibility and scary driving conditions. Next imagine that the rain and hail has gone away, and the road is again dry - imagine driving 80MPH now - a little faster - but everything seems fine, when cresting a small hill, you find yourself approaching fog. As you hit the fog, imagine yourself noticing you can't see anything, and slowing your car down to a safe speed. Now imagine yourself at a slow crawl due to the lack of visibility, when suddenly a bright light is shown in front of you - you stop, and imagine your surprise when you see a large flying saucer in front of you - Imagine your shock and awe. Imagine........ They are here - watching... waiting... Probably looking at your posts...
I think you both should imagine you are driving in a school zone -- slow down and watch out for us children. Ooops! I meant: "Imagine you are driving in a school zone in Chicago -- slow down and don't shoot at each other; there are children and teachers present."
My only point is that there is no number speed wise that is unsafe under all conditions. There are times and places where speeds well in excess of what a Prius is capable of are relatively safe, and times the 30 MPH isn't.