Strange thing happened today. I was trying to switch to the Aux input and kept pressing the DVD/Aux button but it just stayed on DVD. I hit the mode button on the sterring wheel and it did not go to Aux either. Has this ever happened to anyone?
Only happens to me when there is nothing plugged into the AUX plug. Did something come loose? ON the other hand, even when I only have a cable plugged in, waiting for my son to plug in his Sansa, it will switch to AUX, even though I might prefer it ignore it.
There is a switch inside the Aux jack which senses if something is plugged in or not. If nothing is plugged in, the radio will not enable Aux. If something is plugged in, even if its just a cable, Aux is enabled. If you have something plugged in and Aux still is not enabled, there is a problem with either the Aux jack, wiring, or radio.
I do usually leave a cable plugged into the jack and just plug the other end into the iPod when needed. Maybe that came out or something. I'll check. Thanks.