Climate change depresses beer drinkers - environment - 13 September 2009 - New Scientist Of course it's only lagers; ales, now that would be a disaster.
Unfortunately, the Czech pilsners that use Saaz hops are the only lagers I seek out. Czechvar and Urquell remind me of ripened grain in the fields. I prefer full bodied dark ales and even barley wines, but in the heat of summer a real pilsner is hard to beat.
I feel your pain. We must stop AGW lest we be unable to drown our sorrows whilst our coastlines drown.
While at the local beer store, stocking up for what may very well be the end of civilization as we know it (No more beer), I had to resist the urge to scream "stock up now! Before the beer runs out! We're doomed, DOOMED I say!!"
NOTHING comes between me and my beer! If I have to have shift the damn planets axis, THERE WILL BE BEER! OR ELSE.....:mad2: