Hey there guys - I was on my way home from my daily workout when I spotted a Black/Grey 2010 Prius V! I've only seen two other white ones around town, and this is the first black/grey one that I've seen. So, I decided to follow it and pull into the same store as them. I was lucky enough to grab a spot right next to them and snap some pictures of my white Prius and their black Prius. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures! The driver was already off into the store, or else I would have asked him/her questions about how they liked they car and what they would like to have changed. Oh well, I think it's pretty cool to finally see some pop up around town though!:rockon: -- -- -- Enjoy!
Oh my mistake - I always seem to associate the 2010's that have a nav to be a V... Wow.. missing a hubcap cover already eh? That's unfortunate. Yep, your right. I didn't notice that while standing next to it. Interesting.
Yeah, I see the angled blacked out lines too... Is it that the Vacumn Fluorescent screen refreshes at a weird angle like that? Ir was it just a shadow cast at an angle like that? It's not off/blacked out though cause' some of it is visible...
Prius stalker!! j/k Just recently someone else near my work bought a 2010 Prius, looks like a II or III in Silver. I can't wait to pick up mine this week so I can park right next to them in the parking garage. ^_^
Actually, no I didn't. The sun/shadow made it look like a really dark picture - and my steering wheel blacked out some of the screen. I'd never live without my screen! (on second thought.. I was taking this picture with my cam above the steering wheel.. It must be the "Vacumn Fluorescent screen" that refreshes weird like that.) Yeah, it's just my shadow's/steering wheel blocking some of the screen off. I'd never drive without it on. (on second thought.. I was taking this picture with my cam above the steering wheel.. It must be the "Vacumn Fluorescent screen" that refreshes weird like that.) Haha woot! I hope you enjoy it man. You'll love it.
Just this past week we had a Gen1 and a Gen2 parked next to each other, and I parked my Gen3 on the other side of the row. Should have taken a picture!
I'm delighted to finally see some 2010 Priuses on the road. There's a grey one at work (although hundreds of people work there, so I don't see it much), and I've seen a white one around town several times.
I think I might prefer the way the wheels look without the wheel covers! Does anyone have any closeup pics/sideviews of a car with and without those wheel covers???
The wheel covers pop off very very easily and pop right back on just as easily so you can pop yours off very quickly and see if you like it or not... Here's a pic of em' off close up: And here's one of em' on:
Is there any kind of penalty one pays by removing the wheel covers? Do they help or cool the regenerative braking components? Do they shield anything from potential damage? Are they required for any warranty purpose? Is there a Toyota part number for the replacement center thingees?
Here's the ones my dad ordered when he took off his wheel covers: 2006 Toyota Prius Center cap - Parts.com Many here have ordered them from that site in the link and had no trouble. About the only thing you'll probably get taking them off is reduced MPG and it may be so slight that you wouldn't even notice it. If you do it may be something like 1mpg...
The ONLY reason I'm leaving them on is the Wife is bad about scrubbing the curb and I assume compared to wheels, they are cheap. Can't see any other purpose for them. If there is any change in MPG, I would think it so small, it couldn't be measured.
Not required for warranty purposes, but they supposedly help with aerodynamics. If you do a search on this, you'll find that some posters have reported mpg hit with the covers off, especially those who regularly travel at highway speed.
aerodynamic purposes. I've kept mine on for now cause I routinely travel at speeds > 60km/h. If I'm back home, I'll probably keep them off since the speed limits are lower back home.