On Thursday I had my car in for 45000 mile service at Toyota San Diego. I always keep my car at 42 psi front and 40 psi rear. After tire rotation I expected that the pressures would be off but nothing like I found when I checked today. The RF was at 34, The RR 36, the LF 53 and the LR 58. I will be sure to mention this to the service manager.
I recently had this happen---the TPMS retaining nuts were loose and the pressure valves themselves needed tightening (for a couple of bucks you can buy the required tool and do it yourself)
Unfortunately, I've had similar situations after Toyota service. One of the issues was a service tech who felt it was his responsibility to "bust" me for having pressures anywhere above the Toyota recommended pressures. I asked him (and others at the dealership) to put in the record that I would like to have my tires filled to 42/40 (on my 2007 with OEM Integrities). He refused, told me how wrong I was and that he had put my bad behavior (high tire pressure) on my "record." Another service tech agreed to keep the information, but I still had problems. Unfortunately, it got to the point where I would ask the service rep to go with me to check the oil level and air pressure. It really isn't a bad idea to do this, anyway. The service rep ought to do more than just "feel" the techs have done everything just right (and to the customers' satisfaction).
Let me get this straight: you guys are paying good money and receiving this treatment?? Better to DIY...
I've never really thought of it as "good" money with this type of service. A change in the service manager at the dealership brought me back, and things have been quite different since then. Very different, actually, and I've been quite pleased with service in the past 6 months. I see what you mean, Patrick, about taking the concerns away by going DIY. I used to DIY because of costs; I kept doing it out of habit (and a bit of enjoyment). I stopped it because of convenience and the fact that oil changes came down so much in price. With my new 2010 and the new service manager, I'm feeling much more inclined to take the car to my dealership for all service. (Well, that and the fact I received an oil change (0W-20) and rotation for $41.99. Yes, DIY would be cheaper, but I'm just as pleased to do this over lunch and go back to work.
find a new stealership, there are still some good ones out there that wont rip you off in the service dept
With attitude like that I'd tell someone who is supposed to care at the dealership why I'm not returning. I'd check the oil & tp in the lot before I leave. If the tp isn't right pull up to block their incomming door & correct the pressure yourself. If someone comes out to complain inform them that if they had done it right in the shop you wouldn't be doing it now & if they want the car moved it can go into a bay to be done right. Saying this in front of another customer is a plus.
You know when I go in for a service thing I print a note, 2 copies, and in big large black font, Tape one to the steering wheel. I give the other to the service rep. I list the services I expect from them. 3 1/2 QTS oil, use my oil, filter, gasket I supply, Tire pressure 42/40, etc. Strangly enuff, IT WORKS!!! The service rep actually thanked me, said it made it easier to figure out EXACTLY what I wanted!!!
Tickwood, when they did the tire rotation, did they just do front to back and back to front? Or did they do fronts to backs, backs crisscross to front?
Yup. I've had my tyres set at 30 all around because that's what the Corollas are set to . Well sorry I don't drive a Corolla, I drive a Prius.
I've had the same experiences happen to me with techs pretending to be the air pressure police. I've also had bad experiences with techs losing my chrome tire valve covers or leaving them loose and having them fall off on the drive home. Now, whenever I've had the dealer perform my service, I usually tell them, AND MAKE SURE IT'S WRITTEN ON THE CONTRACT, not to mess with my tire pressures. They usually follow that directive. The last time I took the car in, they spilled some type of acidic solvent on my rear wheel covers when checking the brakes. Whatever it was, ruined the wheel covers. I immediately showed it to the service rep, who immediately replaced them with new ones. Just because you're taking your car to the dealer, doesn't mean that the service will be any better than your regular ole' shady auto repair joint! Check the car thoroughly - before you leave!