My streetglow LED undercarriage lighting finally arrived. Went out the Best Buy to get them installed. After a very long install they look GREAT! What do you think?
Nice! I'd prefer a mono-colour myself (and have them rotate) as opposed to different colours at the same time.
Looks good until you get pulled over by the cops. Most states have laws that says only yellow can be used up front and red in the rear.
They can be mono if you choose along with different brightness. I chose to take a pic of the multicolor to display the range. as for the Cops they are something to worry about if you're driving with the lights on. Some states do have laws where you can't drive with them on no matter what color they are or so I've been told. I'd love to see the actual law though to check interpretation. In Raleigh NC area they tend not to care as long as they aren't blue and flashing. They are legal with any color if the car is parked. I think I will likely be going with a white or a green for the most part. Although there may be laws about green as well. Will be looking into all of that soon.
If the vehicle is moving. If the vehicle is stationary, you can have any lights you want on under the body of the car.
if you really keep it, choose one color. the muti-color rainbow effect may be interpreted a different way.
Function??? how about looking pretty? I guess you could say its for safety. a car is a car is a car but when you're driving next to or merging into a lane that with a car that has lights under it you tend to notice it and know where it is. p.s. I've pretty much decided on deep green.
i like the look and the flexibility of the diff colors... where did you buy them? how much? did you install them yourself?