In about 3 Hours (!!!) I will be buying going back to the Toyota Certified PreOwned Dealership to buy a Used 2009 Prius Touring. I've test driven it before and believe there is nothing wrong with it. It's prior owner was the dealership; it was used as a track car and has about 10,000 miles. However, before I go there, I want to know; 1. What, specifically, should I check for on the car? 2. Will someone at the dealership show me how to use all the features (NAV, Bluetooth, Garage Link)? 3. What other things should I ask to see? Thank you! I'm so excited....
1. If you can get a mechanic to check it out. Get a CarFax report. Look at the reflections on the doors and body panels. Ripples will tell you that they have been dented and repaired. 2. They should. Dealers vary considerably on how much they know and how much they will tell you. Some will tell you wrong stuff. You can test him/or her by asking what "B" on the shifter means, and when to use it (Braking mode, to be used only onl lond downhills to avoid overcharging the traction battery). Make sure they have the owner's manual. Plan to read it twice. It is long. 3. Look in the storage areas under the hatch to see if the tire changing tools are there.
1. Don't be excited. A calm car purchase is a smooth car purchase. Being excited often leads to overlooking important details.
Make sure its really a touring model... Another PC member recently said he was deceived about that...
How do I make sure it is a touring for sure. It has the bigger looking wheels (7 spoke) and the bigger spoiler. I can't tell the suspension though, or can I?
Make sure you get 2 sets of Keys. See if the original window sticker is in the glove compartment and make sure you get all the options listed, ie. floor mats ect.
Don't get too excited. If anything looks fishy, put on the brakes and sort it out. If you can't sort it out, walk away. You can find another one.
So macmaster05, do you have the car yet? You can tell also by looking at the stripes on the rear shocks
Thanks everyone! I DO have the car and have only driven it home. But I love it. I programmed my HomeLink, radio stations, and bluetooth phone, so far. Still have to learn the navigation system.
Nothing anymore. I'm retired. I've completed every mod I ever wanted to do...except rims. Rims are dependent on tires, and I don't need new tires yet.