Did anyone else notice that on last nights episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Jeff and Suzy gave Larry a portable GPS for his car that he could not open. They blundered on that one. His prius has navigation. Why would he need another GPS for the car?
I don't watch the show regularly, but I saw last night's show. Does Larry's Prius really have Navigation (were there previous shows showing the Navigation)?
Don't laugh about this. A friend of mine who lives in Glendale, AZ has a 2008 Prius with NAV. When I visited him, we made arrangements to go out to dinner. He didn't know the exact directions for this restaurant, so he pulls out his Garmin GPS and places it on his dash. I laughed hysterically...he has the OEM Prius NAV, and when I asked him (still trying to contain my laughter) why he uses the Garmin, he told me that he can't figure out how to use the voice controls for the Prius NAV. So...yes, this is definitely a possibility...using a Garmin in lieu of the Prius NAV. But, it's still very, very funny. BTW, I opted for the 2010 Prius IV without NAV. Used to use my Garmin, but now use Navigon's app for my iPhone. Works perfectly. No worries about my car being broken into. And I love that I have EVERYTHING on my iPhone. PS The Navigon app is my second "most used" app. My first is my GolfShot GPS. Unbelievably fantastic app.
The Prius Nav might be OK if it actually covered all the places that one might go to/through on vacation - at LEAST "all" the roads in the 50 states. Their coverage (see their own maps: Info, Maps, Coverage ... check Nevada or Nothern California) is between poor and pathetic, compared to the many $100 to $200 portable GPS units widely available (which generally have "100%" coverage). Maybe that is why it is so expensive - they have to manually remove map data from many areas before they sell the map to us?
Curb always had Larry driving a Prius. It had to be one of the best moves in advertising Toyota ever made. The publicity is priceless. I was hoping that he would have a Gen III this season . What I do notice is that all of his Prius' are loaded.
I don't think Toyota had anything to do with it. It was Larry's and especially his ex-wife's politics and environmental views.
Larry could truly afford a solid gold 2010 V. Reportedly made $500 Million from Seinfeld alone. That's a bunch of yada. Seinfeld was IMO the best sitcom ever; and Curb is not far behind. I do hope he upgrades to a 2010 soon. Not sure when the first episodes of this season's Curb were filmed. Probably before the '10s were shipped here. You'd think Mr Toyoda would have sent one of the first ones to Larry via FedEx.
that car has the BT and so it should have the NAV. that part about the package was especially funny cause i have had the same problem. it's ridiculous. i know it's so people can't steal stuff in the store but come on. theres' got to be a better way.
Lots of Prius product placement on TV recently. A character bought a 2010 Prius on Royal Pains and talked about the features in 2 or 3 episodes. Problem is that she demoed the sunroof in one episode, and then talked about the ATP or some other V-only feature in another episode. The writers of that show definitely sold their souls to Toyota!
Resurrecting an old thread... Since this is the first new season (season 8) of Curb while I've been a Prius owner, I'm a bit more in tune with the artistic license that Larry David gets with his car. First of all, it looks like Larry now has a Gen III Prius Five in Blue, with the grey interior. A shot into the car in the 7/24/11 episode shows that he clearly has the NAV package. However, Larry's car does not beep in reverse and he doesn't use the back-up camera. One other thing I've noticed is that in order to make the point that Larry is unlocking his car door, they added in the 1990-era "double chirp" car unlocking noise. No silly beeps for Larry I know I'm being nitpicky, but I wondered if anyone else was too. -Stan
Did you notice in episode 2 when he gets in it at the restaurant it makes the noise of a normal car starter before it moves?
I second that!!! when my prius nav cant find an address (or wont list one ) my iphone or my wifes garmin will!! its redonkulous