That's ok Dave, the whole market is cratering the past couple days. Plus you've heard of Grizz and his shakeout theories right?
Grizz who Fibby is reffering to is a pumper of Zenn stock on the Zenn Yahoo message board. He posts outright lies to pump Zenn. People like Fibb believe him and have trust him. It is very easy to see how people are scammed. Here are a couple of Grizz's outright lies: 1) "His [Dick Weir CEO EESTor] powders have been verified by 3rd party analysis & by Kleiner Perkins". KLEINER PERKINS NEVER CONFIRMED ANY POWDER HAS BEEN VERIFIED. 2) "Zenn is a proven electric vehicle company" Zenn has never sold and now we know will never sell a highway capable vehicle. Selling 19 glorified golf carts in a quarter does not make a company a "proven electric vehicle company". 3) "Dick Weir has "reputable track record," Dick Weir's two previous companies, Tulip & Titanium went out of business and lost millions of dollars of investors money. There is also tax liens against Tulip & Titanium in Alamada County, CA
I actually don't believe in technical analysis which is largely what Grizz's contributions are based on. But I do think that a stock is manipulated by big players which is what Grizz says can happen to a stock like ZNN. That's what I was referring to. You all can judge for yourselves whether grizz has something useful to say about ZNN. Here's a link to his "due diligence" list on Zenn. Due Diligence File
Zenn was/is for a long time a very small company building very nice little NEVs. It was not a big car company like Toyota, but it was putting electric cars on the roads and thereby creating exposure for a vanguard technology and providing a viable option for early adopters. This is far from "nothing." Sadly, Zenn was sidetracked by the dream of cheap, lightweight electric storage, and if EEStor turns out to be a scam, or otherwise fails to live up to its promise, Zenn may disappear, leaving the public with one less option for an affordable, low-speed short-range car. This would be sad, because not every family needs all their cars to be gas-hogs or freeway capable. Even if GM builds the Volt and Nissan builds a freeway-capable EV, there is a place for cars like the Zenn and the Xebra, at 1/4 the cost of their bigger brothers, for all those trips under 20 miles.
Ok Zenn WAS something and something good. But with EEStor it is ginormous and fantastically good. 4 trillion dollar market good.
Sure am. I'm so ready for the big reveal I feel like I'm going to explode. I need a big distraction, but my PHEV kit was held up in customs and now I'm not able to get it installed until the first week of October. And I just finished buying an investment rental property so that's not a distraction anymore. Hmmmm.... I guess I better get the new Halo game or something. Advice Disclaimer: DO NOT invest in ZNN anymore than your willing to lose. It might be a total loss.
Zenn has withdrawn from building electric cars. They will make drivetrains for other car manufacturers if they can find anyone interested. partners
This is very disappointing news. Zenn has nothing special to offer in the way of electric drive trains. Their experience is in low-speed cars, and the present makers of low-speed cars are not likely to turn to Zenn for their drive trains. Zenn apparently had some sort of deal to get exclusive or priority use of u-caps from EEStor, if EEStor pans out. But those u-caps are the only advantage Zenn has. With much bigger manufacturers developing EVs, and with established companies providing parts to the DIY market, Zenn is putting itself in a poor competitive position if it limits itself to manufacturing drive trains.