I have a 2010 Gen III PRius, i was wondering if anyone had the same problem as i do when it comes to the energy monitor... I have had the car for about 2 months, it has 7000 miles on it (bought it with 12!).. I have started to notice the whole car energy screen has been burnt in. WHen i go to the graphs, i can see the windows and other parts of the car... Is anyone else having this problem??
Yep, I know exactly what your taking about. I normally keep my screen on the HSI - and in the other windows likes the 5 minute/1 minute consumption I can sometimes see the "eco" light still "on" the window if you see what I mean.. I guess we should switch every now and then to keep the burning in from occurring but, this is still really a pitty.
Well the only thing is I keep my car on eco-mode, the go-no-go graph comes up, but i have a little habbit of looking at the car, do you think i should complain to the dealer.. I have a feeling i will get no where... like usual with dealers!
patandrich, see the other thread on the subject: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...64058-anyone-else-notice-any-screen-burn.html HTMLSpinnr has noticed that the effect "seems to subside after 20-30 minutes". Do you observe the same?
As far as the efects going away, that does not happen in mine, i even see the "car" when i start the prius and "welcome to prius" comes up, at first they did subside, but know they are officialy burnt!
Ok - thanks for adding this. If we can find another member who has noticed it, I'll add it to the list of reported problems.
I'm really not sure - as mine is not as bad as your seems to be. I would go drive to the dealer - what do you have to lose? I understand your frustration with no success from working out issues with dealers but, this isn't just a little issue - the screen is an important part of the car - you'll spend a great amount of time looking at it! It should work right and not be burnt with another image. Let me know how it goes - good luck!:cheer2:
Hmmmm, this is not old CRT technology when burn-in was a real deal--that's why screen savers were invented, to move stuff around when the screen was idle. They are completely irrelevant now. I wonder if this phenom is possible in current Prius dash display technology. I am speaking from ignorance here (always the best way to proceed ;->), since I don't even have my P yet. Is there something about the plastic cover that could be involved? Assuming it is real...then I would have designed the whole arrangement of displays with a few essential static elements (mph, etc) in the same place on every display; burn-in would not matter. I'd also provide a simple screen that displays little else. When I'm blasting through northern NM on I-25, it is too mind-numbing to watch an instantaneous MPG monitor. Neither are there enough antelope at play to be entertaining, nor are there even radio broadcasts that are reliable. Bring your iPod or some CDs. I hope to hear more whether others have observed this burn-in phenom.
Mine has an ECO burn-in (given that I use HSI most of the time, that seems reasonable) but I was surprised that it was only visible in the consumption screen. The ECO burn-in wasn't visible in the SETTINGS screen (where it's mostly black).
LCD has so called "persistence" issue. It is not perminant. You can remove it by displaying all white image for a long time. However, this is difficult to perform on a MFD of Prius (easier for a computer's monitor). However, eventually the persistence will go away (unlike the plasma or CRT). High-end TFT LCD has a anti-burnin thin film built-in. I guess the one on Prius MFD isn't one of them.
What i feel should be done is under the setting menu toyota should put a whiteout screen to try and rid the burn in... but we will see. the display i like alot better on this gen than the last one. but it still needs some improvments Thanks for the comments
I've also noticed this and was going to search this topic and just found this on the active thread list. My has burned in as well with only 4k miles. This is really unacceptable on a 2010 car. Love the car but disappointed in stuff like this.
I was pointed to this thread after posting the same question. Has anyone tried to get this addressed through the warranty?
Actually this week i am going to the dealer i got the car from and going to inquire about this and the new DVD map disc, SPending almost 30,000 on a car and things like this happening better be under warrenty.. Toyota / Prius are great products, but this must have been seldom thought of! I will keep everyone posted on the warrenty issue
We're talking about the 2010 car's general-purpose Multi-Information Display in the dash, right? On which the Hybrid System Indicator is displayed? The display is a Vacuum Fluorescent Display type. These do suffer from fade with usage - the phosphors just get less bright. On my PVR at home, when you change channel, the channel name scrolls across several character positions, only some of which are used to display the time (and therefore always in use). The characters used to display the time are noticeably dimmer than the rest. I'm astonished that this would be happening on displays this new, though. Reading the other thread, it appears that HTMLSpinner's experience was that the phosphors continued to glow after the elements were switched off, or were brighter than surrounding pixels that should be the same intensity. That would suggest that maybe the brightness is too high.
Hi Patandrich This phenomenon you describe is totally normal "ghosts images" are remaining from one graphic-sketch to another. It's intrinsect to the display technology used here. I have the same display-technology on my 1985 audio-video amplifier and this one display is still working very well 24 years later. Nothing to worry about...
I am waking up an old thread. Also check http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...64058-anyone-else-notice-any-screen-burn.html for info on the same subject. My question: Now that many of you have had their prius for over 6 months now, has anyone noticed whether the apparent "burn in" effect worsened, or is it just a transient effect that goes quickly away?
The MID is not a LCD technology, it is fluorescent display, so burn-in is possible, but not in short time or low millage.
Could you clarify this part of the sentence for me so I can learn. You mean after a while the burn in will go away? Or do you mean after long use, everything will be burned in equally so it will not be so noticeable? Sort of like a numeric display where you can see all the elements clearly even when they are not lit up? Like you can see 888888888 on a cheap calculator even when it is turned off. Or you mean something else?