It seems that most people on here refer to their Prius as "she" -- and I suppose that's the traditional gender for for a car. Why is that? However, I think my Prius is definitely masculine --not only that, he's a rather suave and sophisticated kind of guy, which is why I named him Graylord. He doesn't look girly at all.
Historically, my vehicles have been guys. Blue Ford Ranger pickup, "Little Blue" Red Honda CR-V, "Red Baron" But not this time, Red Toyota Prius, "Hotaru" which is Japanese for firefly.
We haven't named her yet. My Scion xA was called "Lil Car", my sons xD is called "Lil D", the Tahoe Z71 is named the "Behemoth" and the '91 2WD Explorer with 233K miles, and no major repairs, is called the "The Tank"
We always name our cars. My son took one look at my Winter Gray Metallic 2010 and said: "It's definitely 'Alfalfa'. He's kind of geeky and has that thing sticking up in the back.' So Alfalfa and male he is...
I'll let you know at my first oil change. I'll ask the mechanic if he sees anything hanging underneath.
I'm not much of a techie. It's an ongoing joke amongst my friends that when they start talking heavy details, usually computer-related, my mind goes to thoughts of bunnies. Therefore, my sweet new 2010 silver Prius has been named "Bunny".
My poor teens. I named my Blizzard Pearl "Princess Pri Pri". They absolutely hate it when I refer to her like that, but even DH calls her that so it is sticking. They groan and moan when I talk about her. Funny, I have never named any of my other cars.
Since we have 2 now we call our 2005 Old Prius and our 2010 New Prius. They are so geeky I think of them as male, not to suggest that women can't be geeks, it's just that the popular stereotype of a geek is a nerdy guy.
My new baby is a girl and she just joined the family yesterday. I named her Belle du Soleil but I call her Belle for short. Tracy:cheer2:
Obviously a temptress. She lured me away from my faithful 2007 touring, with her fancy lines and high technology. Hussy!
Between his charcoal gray color and his geekiness, he's definitely male. The color is sort of a business suit, so more man than boy. No name yet, though. Picking names is usually useless to me anyway. I don't think I call any of my pets the names they were given. Nicknames tend to come along on their own. His driver's side door jumped out and whacked me in the shin yesterday. Let's hope this isn't the start of a tumultous relationship. When he's good, he's very good.
You have to be more careful with baby boys than with girls when you change them! But they are probably less trouble when they reach puberty. Yes, definitely a siren. What color is she? Yes, the grey is rather business-like but I don't think of him as being a geek. He's in fact quite a cool dude with all his high-tech gizmos.
It's a driving tool like a hammer. I hang it up in the garage at night. It's dirty and scratched after 130,000 miles. I have my golf clubs and dirty golf shoes in the back with some dried mud on the mat. It's been hit 4 times and repaired 4 times and it works perfectly. I expect it to perform perfectly for the next 150,000 miles at which time it will look like any other workman's tool that's been used daily for 8 yrs and nearly 300,000 miles.