After searching in stores both online and in person, I finally found a spring-loaded coin holder that stores quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. I believe that this is the same one that used to be available on Amazon, but no longer is. I was able to easily store 30 of each of the coins and the holder fits nicely in the cup holder. The lid of the cup holder nearly closes completely. Coins can be removed simply by sliding them out. The coin holder can be rotated in the cup holder to get any of the coins out by pulling the coins toward oneself. Alternatively, the coin holder can be easily lifted out. There is a thin adhesive pad with a plastic/vinyl base that I chose not to apply; I felt that the coin holder would be easier to rotate without the pad. The cost is $8.99 with $7.81 s/h for a total of $16.80. Pricing is a bit high with shipping for such a simple device; however, if local Prius Groups were to order them in bulk, significant shipping cost savings might be realized, e.g., shipping for three was the same as for one (although I ultimately decided to order just one).
That is kind of neat. I currently use the sunglass holder above my head to store my coins. Works very well!
Funny - I've been storing them in the arm rest - but wishing for this. I've Ebayed till I'm blue in the face - like this, and will likely get it. I only wish it was smaller - I used to (old school - era 1980) have one was square, held around 13 in each... Easy to store, small foot print. I like this, but it's too big for me - why has everyone dropped the Penney??? There must be someone who makes a smaller , boxy thing?????
I think I've seen that at some auto parts supply stores. Obviously if you find one there, you can save the shipping costs.
Schuck's Auto stores (and their "sister" CSV auto stores, I would think) carry a similar holder for about $6.00 - but no cylinder for pennies. [ame][/ame] I actually bought the Schucks holder, but ended up using only the "base" cup (which I guess they figured could be used for pennies) for all change. It was too time consuming to put the change into the cylinders after getting change back from the drive-thru, etc. - especially when someone is behind you, waiting for you to "file" your change..... But this is a good find!
I have a smaller one I have found , let me get then info and I can send it along to you. I am considering this purchase as well, so maybe this is what your looking for. Smaller unit and shorter....holds all coin denominations as well..