I don't like the fake bigguns. I much prefer a nice perky real pair. Then again, I'm not a big fan of makeup either. Some hair coloring can be nice though.
Conspicuous consumption! When I was young, kids didn't drive cars to school. They walked or took the bus, or occasionally their folks drove them. Now we see 16-year-olds posting on Prius Chat asking for advice on what brand-new thirty-thousand-dollar car they should get their parents to buy for them! Is it any wonder that some parents are buying their daughters boob jobs?
"Now we see 16-year-olds posting on Prius Chat asking for advice on what brand-new thirty-thousand-dollar car they should get their parents to buy for them! Is it any wonder that some parents are buying their daughters boob jobs? " Yet the parents become teabaggers at the thought of a tax increase on the wealthy. I wonder how much of the deficit we can cover by taxing the implants, botox, and lipo.
Her father should have bought her a Prius instead. With the money he would save on gas, the boobs would be free. Also, the t&t steering wheel would accommodate a large pair. Or, buy a Prius with factory boobs. There must be one around because they sell a bra for them. Those Prius boobs are factory and made with ecological fillers to save the environment and come with Toyota's 10 year 100,000 mile warranty.:bounce::baby:
I went to school with this very nice lady, no need for fake boobs. Taken from my year 10 class photo, 1976. I was 15 years old. Face covered because I thought I should
Mmmm, knee socks and school uniform . . . let's see, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, my senior year in high school and freshman year in at the university was when the real MICRO Mini skirts hit the main stream fashion. You must understand, Oklahoma is a very windy state. I didn't think I was going to survive those years.:thumb:
Well, if that is you in the avatar, you need not worry about anything, you look beautiful the way you are. No messin with what mother nature has given you.
There's what you've got, what you show, and what you share. I've always felt that sharing was the most important part.
Hahaha! I remember the original GIF of this... A nice hearty bucket of KFC chicken was on the shore line.ound:
Sooo... you're saying gals that get em done are really just good folks that really want to share more than they have, and are willing to go that extra mile/cup size to keep someone else's smile a going... I like it... It's a good theory Bra... It could happen...
I personally like natural even if they have no boobs. Two hand fulls is all I need and as long as the boobs stick out farther than their gut they look pretty good. The only exception is pregnant women. They get a free pass since the belly most likely will stick out farther. Bonus points if their boobs actually stick out farther.
Confuscious say: If you ever felt a fake one, then you will really appreciate a real one. Its like the Extends commercial. I've never met or heard of anyone who took them, yet there are millions out there. I don't know if there is a "huge" difference