I often post about the small village where I live, the sailing in the summer, and the snow in the winter. I recently found a nice satellite photo of Lake Michigan. Chicago is on south end. Green Bay is to the west. My little village is way up at the top, indicated by the red arrow. Tom
Of course, in winter most of the landscape will be bright white I trust you've already tuned up the snowblower?
Hey, Tom, don't forget to buy that extra outdoor pail for the diapers you talked about. You don't want any more nasty surprises like you had this spring.
There have been rumors that you like to "get high," but that's a LONG way up to take a snapshot of your house for us! Reminds me of the t-shirts that have the Milky Way galaxy on them and the sign that says "You Are Here" pointing to one white dot of thousands. Anyway, that's a neat place to be, especially in the summer. I'd love to sail that area.
Nope...that is indeed Mars. Personally I don't know how a_gray_prius can stand the commute but to each his own!
My point exactly. I think a_gray_prius's home is not on the planet Mars. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that if a_gray_prius has a home, it's on the planet Earth. Of course, not everyone has a home. But of those members of Prius Chat who have homes, I think all have their homes on the green planet, not the red one.