I plan on getting my Prius this Dec. I will be able to get the car for pure invoice (there is minimal markup on these cars) so I am debating on a pkg2 or pkg 3 with the solar roof. I plan on putting in my own radio (kenwood dnx 9140) along with a bunch of other stuff. Would you pay the extra for the solar option knowing the stock radio is getting yanked? I am in the desert, but I have a parking garage at work, and the car is in the garage at home. I sure would like to get some feed back and thoughts. Thanks in advance. By the way, I'm not buying this car for gas mileage so that's why there will be a stereo in the car. Thanks again.
I got the solar package because I wanted the moon roof. In the evenings after the sun goes down to run with the roof open and the cool desert night air is refreshing. So I guess it's all about what you want out of the car. The factory 8 speaker JBL system with the Ipod/USB port IMHO sound really good. Clean bass and crisp highs. But that is a matter of taste.
solar comes with Navi. so you will be yanking out the radio/navi system. you could probably find a buyer for the OEM system but they would need all the wiring and the extra speed sensors, antenna and what not to do a proper install. so what i am saying is that without all the extra parts, the navi would not work 100%. therefore, you probably wouldn't get top dollar for the OEM unit unless you sold it to someone that didn't have a clue about all the extra stuff it needs to work properly.
The only reason I have the solar roof is because I wanted the moonroof too. However, I do think the black solar roof looks real nice on the car as well.
Being in AZ the solar roof with tint and heatshield will decrease the blast furnace effect when you park in the sun. I love to have it open whenever the weather is nice. I don't want a convertible just a little sky over my head
RadioZero, I never get rid of things. I have been through enough cars to know how important it is to return it to stock. I guess I have to justify that much more for a moonroof...
You will be paying a ton for the roof. You will pay $1000 to go from a II to a III, then $3830 for the roof package, total $4830. (Invoice price would be somewhat less, of course.) You can get an aftermarket sun roof for about $1300. Some consider it risky to go that route. I am considering it. I consider it to be manipulative marketing at an unprecidented level to require nav in order to get a sunroof. See my sig below. I am not sure how to embed a you tube video. If you go to youtube and search for "2010 Toyota Prius with Hollandia 700 Sunroof" you will see a video of one in action.
Hi Jayhawker, The question you asked, "Would you pay the extra for the solar option knowing the stock radio is getting yanked?", is irrelevant. The question you have to ask yourself is: Would I pay the extra for the solar option knowing the stock radio is getting yanked? Obviously, no one but you can answer your question. I live just north of Denver, CO and I chose to pay for a Prius IV, navigation, and the moonroof to get the Solar Roof. I have never previously owned a car with or a handheld navigation system or GPS unit. The last car I owned with a sun or moon roof was more than twenty years ago and I do not remember ever opening it. My car spends the vast majority of its parked time in a garage. In the Denver Metro-area there are very few strip malls or major malls with covered parking or shady parking areas. The one exception is Cherry Creek mall and I hardly ever get to that area of Denver. I wanted the solar ventilation system for the times when I have appointments with clients where there is no covered parking and I have a commitment for about three hours twice a week where there is no covered parking & no shade. Also, when I am out for lunch, or shopping, where again, there usually is no covered parking and no shade. I have had my car for just over two months; I am very happy with my decision to get a car with the solar roof. As a bonus, yesterday was partly cloudy while I was parked in my driveway to rotate tires and test fit a set of tire chains. I could hear the solar vent fan running and it very pleasant to get in the car as I moved it around and back into the garage to have that cooling effect. To me, it was well worth the additional expense of the model, nav system, and moonroof to get the solar ventilation. I would do it again. --TK
royrose, I think you just sealed the deal on my decision. I have a had a few cars with moonroofs and I never used them as the temps here are too hot. Pkg2 it is.