Historical Prius data: 18,886 - August 19,173 - July 12,998 - June 10,091 - May Closest guess on September sales? Bob Wilson
I'm thinking: soft economy soft gasoline prices end of cash for clunkers big advertising budget All it takes is an increase in time on the lot, the carry over of inventory. I don't know if we'll see this in September but eventually there will be an increase in the 'lot inventory days.' Then too, Japan has reported 5-6 month waiting intervals. I'm wondering how long we'll continue to get ~40% of the 50,000 Prius/month being produced. Bob Wilson
Actually, YES you can bet on that. Toyota boosted up production to meet US demand (underestimated) in few months but it was not enough! Also remember, when I say production, I mean those produced and delivered to the US market, just to be sure we are in the same page. So again, since production is still lower than demand (overall), it is pretty much pointless to speculate September sales. At this point Toyota sales team knows very well what the figures are. Now, you may say, well, there are plenty of Priuses in my dealer not being sold. I'm sure there sporadic situations like that all over the US due to regional economic differences, but, overall, there are still hundreds of people on waiting lists. Sales teams also take that into consideration.
I don't know that it's pointless any more than trying to guess the demand. Here we're trying to guess how accurately Toyota matched demand with their production. I'm going to say it will drop a bit because they used up their surplus (borrowed from future sales) during the CARS program. Increased sales weren't entirely from increase in production/shipping. Generally the days-to-turn (# days the car is on the lot, anything less than a week is generally just dealer prep time) has been 8-10, making it in the top ten in-demand cars in the U.S. pretty much all the time since 2004 (supply-limited like you say). But over the last year the days-to-turn was increasing - they were occasionally building up a bit of inventory on dealer lots. That inventory was taken out last month due to increased demand. I haven't been by a dealership lately, so I don't know if it's rebuilding yet. Related link: Movers and Losers
Toyota publishes them in their "news room" on their web site. Also, I'm fond of GreenCarCongress.com and "Dashboard" report. Both are excellent sources. Bob Wilson
I snooped through Piercey Toyota yesterday. There were 3 2010's in the holding pen for pickup and a 4th with a sold sign on it. No new one's on the lot. Cat's out of the bag now, the 2010's thee car to get. Get one or be square. Just joshin'. I see them every day though.
My guess is roughly the same sales as last month. There were none on the lot when I checked last week, but one was being delivered (watched a little of the customer-salesman checkout in the car.) Until we start seeing inventory this is a production limited vehicle. The only thing that will change sales right now is Toyota's international allocation...or a battery production debottleneck.
a good reason might be that they only produced for half of May. i got mine like may 18th and i was like 2nd in the country to take delivery. i personally will have to say 18,878
Toyota dealer outside of Seattle has had 6 on the lot since Tuesday. They've called me almost everyday to remind me to take a test drive. I just ignore them.
July and August were driven by the cash for clunkers program. That's why we bought ours. The deal for us was too good to pass up. A '94 Jeep (worth about $1700 on a trade-in) got us the $4500. That $2800 difference meant we got the Prius at nearly 10% off sticker, a very sweet deal.
well i am thinking sales will be good after the price increase was announced. people on the fence will be jumping now to get locked into the lower price
I'll be coming by your house in a few weeks to borrow the car for a day. I figure you owe me since my tax dollars paid for that!
Here's the results, and I think they'll shock all but a half-dozen of you: "The Prius mid-size gas-electric hybrid posted September sales of 10,984 units." Newsroom : Toyota Reports September Sales / Toyota (For the record, I had voted for 16,000 sales)
You beat me to it! <grins> Yes, I am surprised. Pre-2010, sales were running about 8,000 per month. To see it drop down to pre-2010 levels is pretty amazing. Bob Wilson
C4C is over, times are still tough, and gas is cheap. If you can wait, when the 2011's come out you may be able to get a good deal. I just want the price gougers to get stuck with em. I may even get me another one, if the price is right:thumb: And, I guess it's not driven by production now.
I expected somewhere around 15k. 13-14k wouldn't have surprised me. 10k does surprise me. I agree that gas prices are probably one factor - $2.19 at some places around here.
Now that the "Cash for Clunkers" program is over and automobile sales have declined (reflecting the reality of the current economic recession), what is the government going to do now to stimulate the economy??? --- Maybe a one-year free HOV sticker for any new car... Keith