i went on my dealers website yesterday to just "visit" the page on my car( i know, a little obsessive ) and noticed that the 17" wheel option was gone. when i called him he said he had to check into it. he called me back the next day and said that toyota has recalled all the SET (South East Toyota) 17" wheel packages because of fit problems in the lug area and would not approve anymore until they figured it out. i'm kinda disappointed but as we were talking, he said "i think you car is here. i just saw a carrier go around back. i'll find out and call you back." a few hours later he called back and said "your car is here, just tell me when you want to pick it up.":bounce: WOW! 4 days early. i passed the dealer tonight on my way to work and there she sat, right up front. so beautiful... i wanted to look closer but was running late. off to the credit union tomorrow to close my loan and then she's all mine. start to finish... 3 months. worth the wait for sure. tracyj
This is great news! Was it about 2 weeks total from when the ship came in for you, if so then you are 1 week less than us up here in MA, or Toyota is finally found out how to get the cars to us quicker. Take some pictures when you can. Best of Luck Don
Congrats! Mine is sitting in port right now, and has been for about the last week and a half. The amusing part is that the port it is at is about 1/3 the distance from my house that the dealership that I'm buying it from is. Hopefully it'll wander its way out to the dealership before much longer...
Congrats (almost!) and welcome! I have a feeling your wheel news you heard is going to be of interest to a lot of people...
Good luck today, Tracy! Glad you caught a break in the rain to drive it home. While I was shopping last week, I saw your color combo and it looked great. We ended up buying a car from the lot and brought it home Saturday. Enjoy your new car!
I ordered mine on 6/30 and just got the word yesterday that it is due to arrive (to me I hope) in about 3 weeks! I have been offered 3 of the "wrong" color in the meantime. I was flexible on the outside color but they kept offering me the only interior that I didn't want. Oh well....now I am getting my first choice so it no longer seems like too long a wait. I can't wait . Congrats to you!!
Congrats on your car, too. I actually can't pick mine up till Sat morning, so I haven't even driven it yet. I tried to go to the dealer on my way home from work this morning just to see her closer but the road was closed and the detour took me so far out of the way I just gave it up. I did however get to the credit union and am all set. Just a few more days.... i'm biting a cloth just to get me through. LOL Tracy
All Right, all you "ANNIE" fans, help me sing!! TOMORROW! TOMORROW!! The wait is over! :rockon: Loren