During night time hours with my headlights on the Multi-Information Display of my 2010 Prius is clearly visible. However, this display is too dim when I turn on the headlights during daylight hours, even though I have the brightness wheel cranked up all the way. Is there a way to make the Multi-Information Display NOT go into night time mode during daylight hours when I turn on my headlights? Thanks.
Did you crank the brightness until it clicks? If not, crank it to full bright then push the brightness wheel further. It will click and be full bright.
I've noticed the same thing... except I inadvertently left the lights on and couldn't understand why I couldn't clearly make out the display . Anyway, I know others have expressed similar concerns and I think that in the owner's manual (page 591 of section 6.2) there is a provision for adjusting the brightness of this display. Unless someone has figured out another way, or unless you've got one of those cables that can interface with the car's computer system (using a laptop) with the correct software, I think that only the dealer can make the changes. Sorry I don't have better news. Greg
Yes, I think it must be the adjustment. I just went out and checked mine in full sunlight and with the dimmer wheel turned up past the click there is absolutely no difference in any of the dash lights including the MID with headlights on and with headlights off. I would say if there is a difference it didn't get adjusted right at the factory.