It's just the thread title that causes trouble. It's a very inflammatory title. Had the OP said "Beware of this scam", "Taken by a shark", or "Bought a defective used Prius" there would be no issue. "Lemon" implies a car that is bad from the start, not one that has failed over time. Tom
I know you didn't intend to stir up such strong feelings, though you've acknowledged you intended to get attention with the title. You've said your piece and attempted to set things straight, but you'll still be paying a bit of a price for the selection for the title of the thread. At least you can't complain you haven't received attention!! Continue looking for the great positives that come from the interaction available on this site. FYI: You've just picked on a couple of the nicest and most helpful long-time PCers. Though I understand you are frustrated, I plead with you to develop a bit thicker skin for awhile. You'll find much more support than ridicule or attack on this site -- just hang in there!!
Taking time to respond to redundant comments only adds frustration to an already frustrating situation. Title or not if my original OP ed is read then these comments wouldnt be necessary.
I'm in no way calling you a troll and I really don't want to continue this discussion. I was just answering your implied question. The last part of my previous post was for the benefit of others who might fall for the same trap. Lets all learn from this so at least something is gained. I am truely sorry for your losses in this. I wish you every success in finding the best solution to your problem. Thank you for the compliment. <My last entry in this thread>
Hi everyone, I would like to update you all on my car situation. After much research I decided to fix my car rather then sell it. I went to Luscious Garage, a Hybrid specilized garage in San Francisco, CA. They did a great job! Im so happy with my car now (Yay Prius!). I appreciate the advice that I received on this forum. I hope you all are well. Rose
My first clue would have been what seller in their right mind would have: signed an agreement stating that if any problems arose in a one months time that he would be responsible for repairs. ????
. . . . and you're in Oakland for cry'n out loud where crime is king "... In a November 2008 Congressional Quarterly Press publication, the city of Oakland was rated 5th worst in a nationwide ranking of violent crime. The ranking counted six crime categories: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. ..." Oakland, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This tranaxle stuff is very uncommon as repairs on Prius. In fact the CAC (canadian automobile club) have stated that Prius where the most reliable cars any category and any generation ! I presume your P-1 had suffer bad treatements in the past.
Sorry about the dupe job. Just for info, Toyota service will do 'pre-purchase inspections' on cars for sale for about $150. This would be wise before buying a car out of powertrain warranty.
Good info. Is this a Toyota corporate or Toyota Motor Sales (TMS) policy, or is it something certain dealerships offer?