last tank in sig (paste follows) My Blue 2010 : Last tank 632.7 @ 58.08 pump (64.1 MFD) 4.72 CPM, 23 MPH, Lifetime:3672.7 miles 57.79 MPG pump. (62.89 MFD) 4.56 CPM ok. the last bar started blinking at around 540 miles. DTE was 565 miles.
And you've discovered the Prius really does have a 11 gallon fuel tank. Congrats. Now you can use it to the fullest to at least 10-10.5 gallons and be confident you won't run out of gas. Just divide your miles driven since fillup by average MPG since fillup and when you get to 10 or gallons fillup. I've been putting 10-11 gallons in my Prius since I bought it. I drive at least 600 miles per tank. I can also confidently drive 50 miles after the low fuel beep.
I usually bring it to get gas when it starts to blink (the last pip). I range from adding 9.5 to 10.3 gallons into the tank... Today, I drove it to the bone thinking I could get gas after class. Lesson learned, I am going to fill it when the 'Add Fuel' comes onto the screen.
ya know, last time i filled up 2010, i immediately checked the DTE and it was 622 miles. now that i am down a few bars, DTE plus mileage on current tank adds up to 590. as the tank goes along, i will probably end up with DTE hitting zero around 565-570 miles. personally, i think we should all go 600 miles before refilling. still have a 20-25 mile cushion just in case
Interesting thread. Had a peculiar experience with my 2008 Prius recently, on a trip to Ashland, Oregon from my home in Southern California. Normally I pre-plan my fill-ups to occur at strategic Costco locations that carry gas, since they are usually the cheapest. However, on a recent trip, headwinds during much of the time resulted in higher fuel consumption than usual, and the flashing pip on the gas gauge showing up sooner than usual. Rather than push my luck beyond normal (and I have once pumped 11.1 USG aboard after an extended flashing pip event), I pulled into a Chevron Station and bought 2 USG, figuring that would be enough to get us to the Costco in Vallejo, in the Bay area. My surprise was that the 2 USG pumped aboard never registered on the gas gauge! It continued to show the flashing pip as I continued to drive, even though I knew I had sufficient fuel to reach my objective. Which raises a question. Does anyone know what the minimum additional fuel amount needs to be, to dispel the flashing pip on the gas (or guess) gauge? This was a new gas gauge quirk that I had never encountered before.
Wanted to see how far 'til empty after the pip started flashing. Yesterday out of gas 78 mi. after pip started to flash. Had a full gas can with me of course. Was a little surprised, thought I'd be able to get a little farther. Good to know I can safely get 40-50 mi. on the flashing pip in a pinch.
He got 78 miles that time. There's no guarantee that it wouldn't be 20 miles in yours, or even 20 miles in his the next time he tries it. Everyone needs a hobby, but running out of gas is not much fun.
Avoid hills, bends and for god sake don't ever get a tiny drop of water in the odd tank. This is a great way to keep the bottom of the fuel tank clear of water and dirt, it is all getting sucked into the fuel filter and slowly blocking it. It is my understanding the filter is not replaceable, is this right? Thanks for the information, I'll keep filling up at 2 bars or when petrol is cheapest.
Here we go with the urban legends/old wives tales. And where, pray tell, do you think the pump normally pulls the gasoline from? The top of the tank? Does water float on top of gasoline in the Southern Hemisphere by any chance? :suspicious:
ok filled up. since after 10 days, i got tired of the blinking bar. Last tank 613.7 @ 52.72 pump (62.8 MFD) 4.55 CPM, 23 MPH, some background. last bar started blinking at 541 miles. (it has started blinking within 10 miles on every tank i have had no matte what the mpg's were) DTE hit zero at 565 which is also typical now i filled up at 613 and sure i had at least another 40-50 miles and i will show u y. snapped this pic with 4 miles on the tank. as you can see, the DTE is NOT BASED on what you do or how you drive the car, to a degree. as i go thru this tank, the DTE will eventually adjust to a ZERO point at around 565 miles give or take a few miles
And that LAST part ... that's all that really matters! As for me, I continue to be a "fill-up-with-2-or-3-pips-left" kind of guy. I usually get 300+ miles per tank out of Mithril around town, and that's fine with me. I did get down to the last pip one time on a long trip, and was a nervous wreck while looking for a gas station in an unfamiliar town!