Hey all! As you know, I was one of the first people who adopted the Enginer kit and have been tinkering with this thing with Jack. Anyway, here's the last of the mods before I go back to school tomorrow. What did I do this summer? -Remove old PHEV kit -Install new PHEV kit -Upgrade to 4KWH of batteries -Replace DC/DC converter about 3 times -Install second DC/DC converter -Install EV switch(One that looks nice, I used to have a cheapo radioshack one) -Machine a mounting plate for 2 mini SPST switches to control 2 DC/DC converters -Install XM Radio(Finally... Been waiting for over a year to do it) -Install Scangauge II What will I do the next school break?(Thanksgiving time-ish) -Add 2 or 4 MORE KWH of batteries. Here's the pics of the exterior after everything was installed.. My machining skills have deteriorated DRASTICALLY. The freggin switches are crooked! I'll fix it later. I just ran out of time What do you folks think?
Looks pretty good to me...can't tell the switches are crooked. What's the black button above the LEDs?
Very Nice! :rockon: Well done. What type of LEDs are you using? Are they easily visible in daylight hours?
They're the ones that came out of the Enginer kit.. The LEDs seem to be a bit brighter(if they came from a panel that is molded ABS)