Wait! Pick me, pick me! I'm desperate too! Oh wait... except for the wife. But hey... us middle-aged married guys wanna have fun too! Hell, even the old farts like Daniel seem to want to have some fun as well... I'm rambling, aren't I?
I have one of each. But its wrong to molest your pets, even if they are asking for it. :madgrin: http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-h...esnt-just-love-me-she-wants-make-love-me.html
That's my happy, platonic, innocent, "do you hug your mom with those arms", kind of hug. They don't have a smiley for the "other" kind of hug. I am in denial. :lalala:
Yeah, I knew that. Massages are good, but no, it's not the same. There's no affection there. I got regular massages for a while. I had a good massage therapist in Fargo. I've been to a few here in Spokane, but have not yet found one as good. Yes, I feel quite relaxed after. But just as sex without affection is hollow, a massage is just muscle work. It releases muscles that are tight due to exercise, but does not satisfy the desperate need for the touch of someone who cares about you.
Daniel, why the frowny face? There are many kinds of love and affection, no need to limit yourself to only the "sexy love" that we American's are so convinced is the only kind worth valuing. Rarely has that been the venue for my most loving experiences. I'm not discounting it, I understand the feelings of wanting something special and feeling a bit left out, but I also know that when I really stop to think about it, the best loving relationships I've had, are not of the romantic variety. You yourself said that you are looking for something more.... so what is stopping you? :hug:
They've had 'em for years. You inflate them, get personal, then put 'em back in the closet (so I hear).
I greatly value my friendships. But having a garden full of carrots doesn't mean you don't want sweet peas also. Nothing's stopping me from looking. I just never seem to find. Of course, pathological shyness doesn't help a lot.
I've rarely paid for it. But if I extrapolate the costs, over how often I roll in the hay, you are 100% correct. Not around here it doesn't. For a real looker, perhaps $1,800. Depending on how little you value her looks, it may only cost you the Happy Meal. Cha-ching! Dogfriend posted the video of that realistic woman slave robot. Much closer to reality than you realize I would insist on that, even if it was a hefty option charge That robot woman is uncannily like the real thing, at least her/its face and her/its mannerisms. For some reason, the video didn't show the "other" parts If I had to guess, that baby (He he he pardon the pun) probably cost $1 mil or more, as a prototype. But if they could crank out robot anatomically correct slave women for, say, $30 G's, they'd have NO PROBLEM selling out production Um ... two please! Perhaps even a 2 cycle powered portable model for when you're camping. Like this Boston Dynamics prototype, only human shaped and not quite as creepy Once they get intelligent, we're doomed. Doomed I say Clearly, the broads are WAY overpriced where you live Oh. I see. Well, this is clearly a misunderstanding then. You don't want a woman, you want one of these Or a puppy, if you have the room But if, as you claim, truly want affection, in a 100% non-judgmental way, you're aiming for a PET, not a person. What, you don't think a PERSON could provide the same unconditional affection, do you? ound: Oh stop, you're killing me! Don't worry, I'm laughing WITH you, not AT you Not THIS happily single guy! All depends on what country you live in and/or are working in. For example, every time I was in India, men were holding hands walking down the street, and even Yours Truly was offered a hug by the male host These men were happily married, and their wives assured me that is was just the custom. I was more shocked then offended at first, but quickly got used to it SSHHHHHH!! You're giving away Top Secret Information to "the other side." They'd become insanely jealous if they knew just how easily we could amuse ourselves Get in line, pal. It's a matter of public record I was the first PriusChatter to offer him Bear Hug Daniel: and that's all you'd be getting too What really surprises me is the street I live on, many of the middle aged - my age that is - married women feel the same way. Let the games begin! Dogfriend posted that video of the uncannily realistic robot woman from Japan. Even better then shoving them back into the closet, is the Off button! May not be a bad idea to pre-order with Hitachi Industrial
The Boston Dynamics "Big Dog" is way cool, especially the "pig on ice," massive kick from the side, and playful jumping sequences... real-time balance retention and recovery. I take it that is has some kind of visual inputs, probably separate inputs between the paired front and rear legs, for precise foot placements as seen on the pile of cinder blocks. Come to think of it the "front" and "rear" legs look identical. I wonder if it is fully bi-directional. The key question is, Can it walk on water?
Anybody can do that. It just has to be the right temperature. As cool as that robot is, and not to belittle the accomplishment, but it's a poor substitute for a real dog.
The mechanical dog looks more like a spider than a dog! Even if it does have only 4 legs. It's not that. It's that they charge according to how attractive or repulsive you are. Accordingly, they'd charge me ten times what they'd charge you. I miss my kitty terribly. But I'm away from home for weeks at a time, sometimes up to a month. It just would not work out. But this thread is getting off topic. The topic is not "I want a woman" (though I do), the topic is "Why I want to be emperor of the world." :focus: please.
Have you seen Jayman? They would do him for free, just hoping he wouldn't cut them up into little pieces and stuff them into an old trunk. Tom
So I understated the matter, but the essential point remains: An evening of "girlfriend experience" would cost me about as much as a whole week at a luxury hiking lodge or on an island off Belize.
There is a line by Jeff Goldblum's character in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Chill_%28film%29: Basically, everyone does everything in order to get laid.
How true. When I used to work on retail POS systems, one of my former clients owned several very successful gift shops in a tourist town. Most of the merchandise was directed at women. He explained this to me as follows: "Women on vacation like to shop. All men want to do is get laid. Happy women make for happy men." Tom
I have no doubt they are working on that feature. It would have limited combat effectiveness if it couldn't ford through a couple feet of water They must belong to a union or something up here. Unless you had open festering sores, a standard rate applies I made a choice to travel less and work from the home more, to be with my companions more. It has worked out for everybody concerned Hey pal, you DID bring it up ... Oy .... :doh: I'm pretty sure that was how my dad explained The Facts Of Life to me when I was a kid
Attractiveness is NOT predominantly determined by genetics. I have seen really genetically handsome men that I feel absolutely no attraction to whatsoever. Most women find certain character traits attractive. The short list: Intelligent, accomplished (can be tons of bucks, big house and cars, or a life time activist depending on the values of the perceiver), healthy, strength of character, confidence, sense of humor (a sign of intelligence) good provider. (All things that make good daddies) Men find things like health, vitality, nurturing qualities, youth, and intelligence attractive. (All things that make good mommies) How a person takes care of what they have been given genetically plays a much bigger part than the specific genetics. There are components to the genetics but by and large we are attracted to how a person deals with what is dealt, not what is dealt. Now, in a feeble attempt to appear as though I am trying to get back to topic, all this applies to emperors too! *end geeky psychology/social worker girl rant *
HeHehe... I can just see it now: Dorothy Hammel and DARMA on ICE at an arena near you. Brought to you by the Dept. of Homeland Security, bring the kids. In the first few sequences of the YouTube flick, where it was difficult to estimate the size of this thing, I could see it as a dog surrogate. But in later sequences where humans are present, the Big Dog is more the size of a donkey or burro. Which given its load capacity, IIRC 340 lbs, would be a better starting point for a name; Robo-Burro. I suppose though that the builders are really trying to build a dog surrogate and all that remains is to minuraturize/micro-minuraturize the components to get the prototype first down to retriever size and finally to chihuahua size. Then, the American Dream, presented by a Billy May clone; As Seen on TV, your very own lap dog sycophant; the ultimate Yes Dog, only $99,999.95. Extended warranty available at additional cost... Buy in the next 20 minutes and get two at this amazingly low price! :focus: Which is what? How to get steamed, reamed, and dry cleaned by a $1,000 a night hooker?
Points well taken Octavia. There was once a thread here on what men & women look for .... Maybe in the "Prius Roles" thread, you can be appointed as Sexual Advisor