I don't need a plate that shows the car is green. It already says Prius right on the car. I say show 'em who's in the driver's seat. Call my car "girly" or "gay" and start preparing yourself for a bad day..... LOL So there! ROTFLMAO
My 2004 says 2 GO B4 but I'm probably going to give it up when my 2010 comes. People have pointed out to me that when I change lanes, some might interpret it wrongly and inspire road rage. What do you think?
I agree - there's enough Toyota and hybrid advertising so I picked a plate that color coordinated with the car and supports a good cause - $30 of the $40 cost goes to support WA state parks. PS liked our wildlife plate with a bald eagle but the background was a bright orange - which did not go well with the blue RM color since the eagle was gray/black/white - if he had been blue I would have went for it since orange and blue are the Univ of FL gator colors
My state is so picky about what can be on the plates. If any numbers go in, reguardless of what type of plate you are getting, numbers have to come after all the letters. So you cannot put a number in between. Darned Illinois. That really ruled out a ton of possibilities for me.
Ah, ok, I think gas is short enough though, no need to shorten it Well after boggling my mind for days, I have finally came up with what I will use as my vanity plate, it's not Prius related, but oh well I have decided on MAD RYD (Here's an example of how it should turn out) For those wondering what it means, it's actually my initials (ironically my initials spell a negative mood, or another word for crazy), and of course RYD is supposed to mean ride I had 2 other choices (GC001 and MAC N PC), none of which was as great as MAD RYD
In CA we get symbols. So i was thinking hand symbol then BIGOIL. I would then white out certain digits of the hand to create my one finger salute to oil companies.
So, Dario, are you an animator? My wife worked at Warner Bros Studio Store for a couple of years. We have a fair collection of animation art and have met people like Iwao Takamoto, Bob Singer and attended Chuck Jones' 85th birthday party at thw Warner Bros lot. Animation is cool stuff.
I am currently a student who is working in the animation field. I will be going to CalArts soon which is the top school for animators in the USA from what I am told. One of my current teachers actually worked for WB's for a while. She worked on The Iron Giant and some of the Looney Tunes stuff along with The Prince of Egypt (I know that's Dreamworks). I decided to get the plates now since the majority of the options for the plate were already gone. Wow you have met some amazing animators. I really hope that once I start going to school over at CalArts I get to meet some of the Alumni. I know that Tim Burton, John Lasseter, Brad Bird and a whole bunch of amazing animator's went there. I am also currently working at Disney but I haven't done anything important.