So, the only tale I have from this weekend is another football trip, and those must be getting pretty boring for you guys (although a 56 MPG round trip excited me). What did you do with your Prius this weekend?
I replaced the Rockford Fosgate Punch 10" subwoofer with an Infinity Reference 10" subwoofer in the same box. I discovered that the installers that put in the Punch had switched the wiring within the box, thus rendering the sub out of phase with the rest of the speakers. This explained some of the odd response I was getting. Note: speaker phasing is more important than many realize, and any shop that can't keep the phasing straight should be drummed out of business! Comparison of the Punch to the Infinity: if you listen to hip hop, the Punch is probably better. However, the Infinity is much more linear, and what it give up in hard hitting on the bass drum kicks (which is very little) it makes up for in better sustained lower mids. I seems less succeptable to distortion, but that might have been the out-of-phase condition. It is also a lot more efficient, and thus balances better with my Infinity 6 1/2" speakers in the doors.
Drove to the beach (~150 miles) and back on a 1/4 tank. 48.6mpg -- I am new at it though (our first Prius, only got it 5 days ago). Super fun to drive. Cheers, Ron
Loaded up a 6' folding table, 10x10' canopy, several boxes and bags of items for the booth, cooler, three folding chairs, my DH and me, and went to PPD in Olympia. Afterwards, loaded it all back up into the Prius, and drove home.
I drove my Corolla rental over to the auto parts store and purchased new high and low tone Fiamm horns to install on my new 2010. Big horns -- big enough to be noticed!!! Of course, I need to actually get the car back out of the shop . . . (For those who have not had the honor and privilege of hearing more than necessary about the three times my 2010 has been hit since delivery, please read my most recent "I've been hit again" thread: Again & Again!! Third Time to be Hit in Four Months -- Back to the Same Repair Shop . . Again!)
Went to Vegas with one of my sisters to see 'The Bravery' in concert. From Orem, Utah to Las Vegas, NV I averaged 57 mpg (400 miles). (I also drove around town for a day.) And on the same tank drove back and made it to St George, Utah even though I had 2 bars left (That tank had 10.400 gallons). And from St. George to Orem averaged 50 mpg. I LOVE my Prius!!! chau
ound:You'll love this, then, Pat: I'd forgotten some things in my car and remembered it right after dropping the car off at the body shop. I called and ran back there immediately. I was there only 30 minutes after leaving the car, and they already had it pulled apart. I walked in and talked with the owner. He was standing there with a puzzled look on his face. I asked: "What's wrong?" He said: "I can't find it." "Can't find what?" "The magnet!" he said. He was a good guy to work with and really took care of me and my car.
I took Eleanor to the LSU/ULL football game Saturday here in Baton Rouge. She waiting peacefully in her parking spot while we trounced ULL and waited patiently for her turn out of the lot without burning any fuel and then brought us back home again. What a techno-marvel she is!!!!
I picked up a small Yoda action figure at Toys-R-Us and stuck it on the air conditioner vent. Now I have my very own toy Yoda mascot!
I had a 1.25" hitch receiver installed and then bought a Saris T-Rax hitch rack and put it on. Works great. I know the manual says don't put a hitch on and don't pull anything. But the rack, hitch and bike together weight under 80 lbs. so I figure it won't hurt.
Took the Zhang Heng to a car show sponsored by a regional newspaper, the Middletown Record. It was a "reunion" for all the cars that had won Ride of the Month awards in their My Ride column. I had been featured in My Ride, but got ZERO votes for ride of the month. The judges at the car show felt differently, and award me a plaque for one of the top 20 at the show.