Here's why I'm not getting the 50+ mpg in my "city" driving that other people seem to achieve so effortlessly. My Prius has a unique mechanism that causes most traffic lights to turn red as it approaches. What's more, almost all intersections are on an uphill incline. Those that are on level ground are quickly followed by a hill. Today I decided to keep count of all lights on my 5 mile trip home from the Metro station. I go through 17 intersections with traffic lights, plus 3 stop signs. I had to come to a complete stop for 10 red lights. For the others, a red light would change to green ahead of me, but I had to slow down for the traffic that was already stopped. Just before reaching home, I made a 10-minute stop at a store. I managed to achieve 40 mpg with an average speed of 13 mph (speed limits here are 35-45mph except for the 25mph zone right in the neighborhood).
Ugh! How frustrating. I get stuck at a lot of lights as well. I either coast to the light or brake for a long long long time.
Maybe you'll get better mileage driving backwards. Heck, forwards obviously isn't working. Stop & Go kills mileage. I find I get better mileage driving the freeway than I do in Stop & go.
You can always get the Car-Attracting Electromagnets that came with my hussy. The down side, of course, is that her hair may be a bit out of place after you leave her in a parking lot filled with wild cars and wearing that wild outfit. I've been hit three times while not even moving in a parking lot. I've looked for a deactivating switch, but I'm thinking I'll just have to have her spayed.
The trick of course is to drive 15 mph over the speed limit and cross the next intersection before it turns red. Works every time :thumb:
Move! No wonder why your numbers are so low. There are situations that make the Prius less desirable but on the other hand, you are still getting better numbers than most cars out there. I have to admit before I bought one and read PC, my perception of the Prius is that short, city driving would be where it performed the best. It is too bad you didn't know all this before hand but I thank you for all the others that have similar driving situations that are thinking about buying one. At least they might not be so shocked with their performance or may consider an EV.
Oh ... I thought the RLA was supposed to assist me in turning the red lights to green. What a rip-off!
I would if there weren't a whole line of cars in front of me! And speaking of being over the speed limit. I not only have a red-light triggering mechanism, I have a speed camera trigger. I've received several pictures of my Prius in the mail with a $40 ticket attached. (I haven't had a "real" speeding ticket in about 30 years!)'s not a shock because I had a Prius before, too. My overall mileage was 43mpg over three years. I love my Prius and, as you say, I still get much better mileage than with any other car. What I am kind of reacting to is that so many people on here are shocked at the CR results that rate city driving much lower than the the EPA estimates. That's been my experience all along. My "city" is obviously not the same as the EPA's and most other people's cities. But I can't believe it's unique, either! 40-45mpg average is still very good for my local trips, but it's a little frustrating when one hears other people saying how it's virtually impossible for them to get anything below high 40s. I drive 4 or 5 miles each way on my daily commute. If my drive were shorter, I'd probably be getting only in the low 30s because that's what it shows after the first 5-10 minutes. Here's what my poor little car has to go through: Start up ... drive a couple of blocks through neighborhood, stopping at 3 intersections... make right turn onto main road... get up to speed (40mph) on busy uphill road ... slow down and stop at traffic light .... start and get up to speed on uphill gradient....repeat several times.. There are some nice downhill stretches before I reach my destination in the morning so I can usually get it up in the high 40s, sometimes even 51, but at night, it's a different story. So, I guess you're right. Since I want to optimize my Prius's performance, I'll just have to move!
I opted for the GLA. Green Light Assist was too hard to resist. I read the fine print on the RLA Package, and figured that since I had that on my last car, I would go crazy, and switch it up here. However, it is a very sensitive gizmo, that shoots lasers from the rearview mirror, and sometimes seems to trigger the green to end too soon. Twice since I bought the car in June so far, I have been nailed by "Red Light Cameras", in the City of Chicago. So far, both 'violations' have occured, within .025 of a second of the light triggering red. Unfortunately at $100 each, maybe I should have opted for the RLA, and saved some money.
My daily commute is 37 kilometres or about 23 miles each way and I go through no less than 40 sets of traffic lights. My commute takes about 50 minutes each way so I average about 19 mph, sometimes less. I use a pretty consistent 4.3L/100km or 54.7mpg(us) or 65.7mpg(imp) Speed limits are about 5km at 80km/h, 3km at 70km/h, 3km at 50km/h and the rest at 60km/h speed limits. Big gaps, low aggression and plan ahead. Also a short commute results in higher mpg but lower overall consumption.
I feel your pain as well. Rockville and this whole area has terrible traffic management and signal placement. I recently went to Chicago to visit family and got well over 50 the whole time I was there. Back here at home I'm back to 45-50.
Off topic - my mileage suffers like yours b/c i only drive 2 miles to work & shopping and the car never warms up, which of course means i get limited use of ev also.
I've been caught by the speed cameras FOUR times! It's only $40 here though. I must be a very slow learner because I've been nailed by the same camera 3 times. I JUST DON"T SEE the warning sign and because it's invariably traffic-free (like a weekend) when I get nailed it doesn't trigger any reaction in me to slow down.
So today I go to the closer Metro stop, which is only 1.5 miles from my house. In the morning, I went through a neighborhood route -- I have to cross a main road (stop sign, no light), then drive through a 25mph zone with multiple stop signs, stop at a traffic light and turn right onto a main road, then arrive at the parking lot. I achieved a whopping 29mpg at an average speed of 10mph. I didn't record how long it took, but probably around 10 minutes. The route back involved coming out of the parking lot onto a side road, stopping at a traffic light, then turning left onto the main road, which is pretty much downhill to within a quarter mile of my house, where I have to navigate a few hills again. For the 1.5 mile trip, I went through 4 traffic lights, and had to stop for the first 3. I drove in PWR mode and achieved 37 mpg.