Bob u r right. and i knew i had left people out, just could not think of them that is why i posted this, also add John 1701A as "Prius Evangelist"
Man, kicked out of a role on my own site. Where's that "Delete Database" button again? I don't think I've seen it since the last time I hit it in 2005.
added to OP after several posts from the wonderful people here, many need to be added to the list John 1701 A ; "Prius Evangelist" darelldd; Promoter for Prius IV (the EV version of course!!) Rae vynn; Resident Vegan Witch au natural' daniel ; the Debater, Conscientious Objector, and our resident expert on Civil Disobedience F8L; Resident Naturalist and Environmental Guide Doc Willie; Star Fleet Representative 4th Quadrant hyo silver; NW Trekker patsparks; Our "Balancer". he provides the "upside down, inside out and backwards" view here. without him, the World would be flat in many ways FireEngineer; National EBH Installer (will do housecalls!!) Hobbit; HSD Wizard Ken@Japan; Our liaison, experimenter and interpreter and that's it for now...oh ya, forgot whats his name, Danny!!... so what exactly does he do around here??!! sorry , need some ideas here
ya well... should he be known as "supreme being", "CEO" or "chief enabler?".... after all, who is responsible for this addiction known as "PC?"
Is Malorn still among us? Perhaps his oil price predictions can place him as "Premier Prognosticator" .........
sorry but i classify malorn as "prius owner wannabe"... what else would explain his presence here?? as a GM dealer, he can only go so far in his real personal life. its my personal belief that his presence here allows him to live vicariously if only in his own mind.