I'm reading all the posted topics here in FHOP and am thinking it's getting time to once again have a sub category to FHOP, this time FHOGames. That would make: FHOPan FHOPol FHOG Oh, and while we're at it FHOCats Takers?
There is no Fred. Way back in 2004 or 5, when off-topic posts were cluttering up the main Prius forum, it was decided we needed an off-topic forum. The cyber equivalent of sitting around a table at International House of Pancakes. One of the regulars suggested the name, and FHOP (like IHOP, get it?) was born.
You cannot confine cats to any one forum. Cats get to go anywhere and everywhere. Every forum belongs to the cats because cats own everything. But I'll agree that all those stupid game threads ought to be exiled to a walled-in forum.
Cheese Louise, Daniel, you are such an Eeyore. Just because you don't appreciate the creativity and imagination of word play doesn't mean it's stupid.
Well, we now know there's at least one thing in the Universe that daniel and Wildkow argree on: http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/50304-separate-board-games.html
FHOG... Ok... sure... it shouldn't be opt-in like FHOPol is though... it should be an open forum to attract the gaming minded... sorta like a bar.
You've never read Winnie the Pooh?! Eeyore's a wonderfully endearing character; he's just never in a jovial mood. Like you. I meant no offense, and I hope you didn't take any.
Kow and I have agreed on a few things from time to time. He's not wrong 100% of the time. It's always frightening when it happens. But not as frightening as the ridge walk to the summit of Tumbledown. No offense taken. The description makes him sound nice. No, I never read Winnie the Pooh. I preferred Dr. Seuss, Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, etc... W the P seemed vapid to me. I have jovial moods. Mostly when I'm hiking or snorkeling or something else outdoors. Seldom when I'm sitting at this damn computer. And never when I'm arguing with people who think that god put petroleum and coal in the earth so that we could burn it all.