I have a 2005 pkg 4 with only 3700 mi and starting having a problem with the FM radio cutting out several days ago. The audio cuts out very briefly, say maybe for a second, and then will return. This will happen on any station, at any particular time. There does not appear to be any pattern. I also notice that sometimes when it cuts out the tuner will jump to a frequency near it and then jump back. For instance, I was just listening on 105.1 and while the radio cut out, the tuner jumped back and forth several times between 104.9 and 105.1 until it settled back on 105.1. I also checked the antenna connection, which appears ok. I am baffled, and honestly am also somewhat annoyed, being that this is my first new car and it is already having issues 3 months into ownership. I thought I would pose this dilemma to the prius gurus here in hopes of some better insight into the problem.
[font=Comic Sans MS:638a73e31c]Sounds like you need to investigate your favorite dealer's warranty work capability. This sounds like a faulty radio tuner to me. You didn't say if you have any add-ons that might be doing something, like auxiliary inputs. Anyway, you'll get it fixed free at the dealer. Please let me know which dealer you use and your experience with them, since I'm in the PDX area too.[/font:638a73e31c]
I've had the same thing happen, but it's so infrequent, I haven't brought it to the dealer's attention yet. At first I thought that the problem was with the radio station, but I've noticed that sometimes the banner at the top of the MFD comes on as if I've changed presets or the frequency. However, it happens so infrequently (maybe once every other month) it's going to be hard to track down. Hopefully someone will figure out the problem and a TSB will be issued. I guess it would be a good idea to mention it to the dealer now so the complaint is at least in their records.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(8AA\";p=\"97725)</div> Sounds pretty much identical to my problem, although I experience it at least once or more per 15 minute trip. I'm definately going to get it checked out and file a complaint to toyota. I hope they will listen intently, as they plan for more and more of their fleet to be hybrids in the near future.. they may want to hammer out these annoyances before mass marketing to the consumer. Oh, and the clarify to the first reply, I have no aux inputs, nothing extra. All stock. Everything else on the car has been working just fine.
Mine will also cut out several times over a 10-15 minute period and then work fine for weeks. My car is also stock so it has to be a defect or a loose connection.
Will it cut out for other sound sources, such as CD or tape? I had the bounce between settings as you describe for the station, but it was the volume that was moving. I suspect that the volume knob was between detents, or was in a dirty spot. Try moving the tuner knob back and forth a bit, and then settling it to your station.
It hasn't cut out yet while listening to CDs, but I don't listen to CDs that often, just on trips. And I'm not sure what this "tape" thing is that you're referring to. Mine acts just like someone has just reached over and pressed the power (PWR) button on the radio, counted to 5 or so, and then pressed the button again. I suspect that the power is cycling off and on because the banner comes up at the top of the MFD, just like it does when the radio is turned on. I suspect a faulty "PWR" switch, or a bum connection.
My experience has been that the sound system would cycle between AM, FM and CD. It would stay on any one for a few seconds. It would keep this up for a minute or so and then quit. I thought maybe it was due to poor receptions in the NC mountains, but why change modes just because the station quality is poor? Maybe Toyota wants us to have a 'Total Toyota Experience' (can I trademark that ) while in the car?
I assumed JBL, my bad. No tape on standard. What's coming up on the banner? Could be stuck button, either on radio or on steering wheel. If not a stuck button, new radio is in order.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(NoHuggr\";p=\"98480)</div> What part of the NC mountains? I'm in the Boone - Blowing Rock area.
I was kidding, I do have JBL, just don't know if I even have a tape around to test it. My MFD usually is on the Energy Monitor screen, so the banner I'm referring to is the one that pops up on the top (with frequency, station call sign, and I think volume) for a few seconds and then goes away. It's exactly the same if you're on a screen other than "Audio" and you turn the audio system on. The power button acts like it's not really an on-off switch, but rather a momentary switch that either makes or breaks a control circuit. My first guess is that this switch is opening or closing on it's own, and may be due to rough roads (I haven't narrowed it down that far yet0.
I know what the banner is, but what does it say when it spontaneously pops up? This can help diagnose what spurius control input the head unit is halucinating. The on-off switch is actually a momentary switch just like on modern computers.
Original poster here for an update. Radio problem has since mysteriously ended after about a week of fairly frequent episodes. It's very interesting, to say the least. When it occurs, my banner also pops up with the radio numbers and FM1 or FM2 or whatever, as 8AA has mentioned. To be continued ...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pdxprius @ Jun 18 2005, 11:46 AM) [snapback]99663[/snapback]</div> My JBL on the premium package 2005 just started this behavior this weekend. While listening to the radio the signal appears to get lost and the frequency scan takes off momentarily. SIGH..! Very Annoying and intermittent! ps...mine is both AM and FM. Has anyone gotten Toyota to amend this with any success?
Mine (basic stereo with MP3 CD) just doesn't get good reception - kind of crackly. But nothing as described above.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I'll be able to tell the service dept. that it's not just me. I've got a 2005 loaded, and all stock. Two days ago, the radio started to cut out in a way that made me say to my wife: "The transmitter at the station must be going on the fritz." Then I noticed that the banner was indicating that the tuner wasn't locking onto the pre-set frequency*. It would search one or two freqs down and one up, but it would slide back the the correct one after a couple of seconds. Today, it's worse. It happens about every 15 seconds, but not as a pattern. It will try down then up then down and lock on static and stay there until I change the station manually. Then after only a few seconds it starts again. This happens on both AM and FM. No problems with CD mode and I haven't tried any of my 20 year old mix-tapes yet.java script:emoticon('B)',%20'smid_15') Anyway, I'll stop by the dealer this afternoon and see what they say. I think it it's a defect. I'll post again after I learn more. * example: tuned to 93.1 the radio will jump to 92.9 then 92.7, then up to 93.3. this is all very fast, about 3 changes per second. The after 15 or so seconds of this, it locks onto 92.9 and I get static. Once it's locked on the wrong frequency, it stays there.
My radio II fads in and out on powerful FM stations. I have had 3 radios put in and have worked on it for a year. Still working on it. I personnely think Toyota knows what the problem is but don't want the expense of fixing it.
I suggest that you check the antenna which has a preamp built into the base, and the cable which connects the preamp to the radio. Perhaps either the preamp or cable is faulty.