For those that have real world experience with the 2010 Prius V 17" tires, which brand would you recommend? If I go to a lot and have my pick of cars with different tires, which would be the best based on all criteria of noise, wear, ride, etc? - Toyo - Michelin - Bridgestone
Creativeguy, I am pretty sure that you would get ten different answers from asking 10 different people this question. Tell yourself this: All three tires were selected by Toyota, as they all meet the specifications for the Prius V. As such, they will have similar performance characteristics to one another. However, I have never seen another post here where anyone has been able to select from several different Prius Vs on any dealer's lot, and given how they seem to run in streaks (all the news ones one week will sport tire 'x', while next weeks production run will feature brand 'y'. Chances are that if your dealer did have several Vs on the lot to choose from, they will all have the same tires anyway (possibly). I would just get the car with the features/colors/options that you want, and when you replace your tires in x miles, you can do your research then. If there a large glut of these cars on the dealers lot today, you will be lucky.
I couldn't have put it more susinctly, eglmainz's words are spoken with MUCH wisdom, heed his advice! David (aka Blind Guy)
That is a great supposition, but doesn't really answer the question. If anybody has real world experience with these tires, please post your opinions. We'll see if any of those 10 different people create a consensus. I don't see the logic in invalidating the question just because there may not be an opportunity for choice.
This may not be the response you were looking for, but it may help you, regardless. I was hoping for the Bridgestones, I really wasn't interesting in getting the Michelins, and I ended up with the Toyos. So far so good. My point of comparison was the OEM Integrities on my 2007, so perhaps anything would seem wonderful in comparison. I know other folks who've wanted the Michelins and landed the Bridgestones (happily, so far). I also know someone who was terribly disappointed in receiving the Bridgestones, but has been happy so far. I recall reading about someone who was happy to have the Michelins, but I can't recall reading further about that person's continued happiness (or disappointment) in use. eglmainz's response was a bit shorter and to-the-point, but I just wanted to say you will do fine with any of the three. There are no terrible (and certainly no cheap) tires sized at 215/45 R 17!
Funny, I was hoping for Michelins and ended up with Bridgestones. At 8,000 miles the Bridgestones at 38psi: (i) appear to be wearing well; (ii) handle great, even in heavy rain; (iii) are very quiet at low speeds but mumble a bit at high speeds; and, (iv) are getting around 49MPG, where my Gen II with Goodyear ComforTreds were at 44-45 MPG. I suspect the report will be similar for all three brands of 17" tires and be thankful you're not getting the Integrities.
Perhaps a different way of phrasing the question would be to ask for the respondents to list the characteristics of their tires they like and dislike. Because NOT many V owners who have just parted with $30,000 to $35,000 (with options) are going to be very objective in the analysis of their tires, and as eglmainz and A Priori previously stated, you won't get much of an oportunity to pick and choose what tires your V is equipped with. And, as one more discouraging note, most V owners will not have a basis of reference, since the tires on their cars will be the ONLY ones they have experience with. In any event, my V is equipped with Michelin's, and to date with 1100 miles on the car, we are pleased with the Michelin's. The ride is quiet and supple, the steering compliant and the noise is unobtrusive (actually quite quiet), the only thing I would WARN people about is their sensitivity to tire pressures, 4-5 lbs. can change the tires from wallowy to harsh! David (aka Blind Guy)
I also had hoped for the Bridgestones, only because I thought the idea of a 'eco' tires, designed as such from the ground up seemed like a good idea. I ended up with the Toyo's, and could not be happier. I initially left them at the factory pressure settings (32f/30r) for the first 10,000 miles. After that, i upped the pressure to 42f/40r rear, as suggested by many people here. Since then, my mileage has increased by about 3 mpg, from 53 to 56. (my current 8900 trip B indicates it as 55.1, but gas pump reading and my spreadsheet show it as 53.8) Since owning the car, and putting 11,800 miles on it, I can say that the Toyos hold the road very well, and I have no complaints about them. While I am not 'invalidating' your question, I would think that the only way to get a definitive answer is to drive all three of the tires, on the same car, by the same driver, on the same roads. It like asking three people, each of which wear a different brand of sneakers, which one is the most comfortable, and allows you to run the fastest.
I'd like to see those reviews. I looked, over and over, for a review of the Toyos, but I couldn't find anything except a reference to their use on some SUVs. I believe those were sized differently, also, so I don't know that it really is the "same" tire. My recollection was that the Bridgestones had fairly decent reviews (nothing spectacular), while the Michelins were thought of as fair-to-middlin'. Still, I don't know that I have any references for those reviews.
Check out the reviews, but sorry, the Toyos aren't there. Thought it was but apparently not. My guess is the 300 Treadwear will garner a "Won't buy again" for the Toyos, just as with the Bridgestones and Michelins. I've never had a OEM tire that was worth re-purchasing either.
Sometimes the OEM tire has a little different spec than the same label as a replacement. I ended up with the Bridgestones. I can't complain but the have a low treadwear rating and if the two sets I had on my TCH is any indication, I'll be lucky to get any more than 20K miles. I wanted the Michellin's. I only have 6K miles so I can't tell anything definitive yet.
Thanks to those posting their opinions. I had OEM Michelin Pilots on my Integra and they lasted 45k. I bought another set of them and they lasted another 50k. I have OEM Michelins on my RDX and they seem to be fine at 30k as well. The OEM Bridgestones on our CRV are just noisy garbage and the Honda tech said they are horrible. Sounds so far like there isn't much differentiation to overcome my own history with those brands, unless the low rolling resistance tires don't trend the same as their other tires.
I have the Toyo Proxes A20 tires on mine and am happy. One thing, the Lexus uses that same tire as an upgrade. This makes me believe the tires are at least worth a try. Hozz
I have the Bridgestone with 7200 miles on them now. they handle well, ride is great at 35psi, at 40psi milage improves by about 2MPG but ride is stiff. Most of the 7200 miles was from a cross country trip under all road condtions. I would buy these tires again.
I also have the Toyo Proxes A20 tires on mine and am happy. It looks and feels as a great tire; however, treadwear is only 300, so I cannot expect them to last more than 30k miles. I checked the prices on Toyo Proxes A20 at Discount Auto Tire, and they gave me a price between $220-250 per tire. These tires are so new that there are not any reviews or almost any info about them on the Internet. On the other hand, I got a quote for Michelin Pilot Sport A/S for $175 per tire. Treadwear of this tire is 500 with speed rating Z that is very high. When the time is right, I probable will be buying Michelins.... Still Proxes look and handle as very good tires, if only treadwear could be 500-600.....
Agreed!! Thanks for the info on the Michelin Pilot Sports. I've got another year, at least, before looking at replacements, and I'm hoping there will be a few more options out there to help bring the cost down.
Someone posted a photo of the Michelin Pilot Sport A/S in the 215/45R-17 size. I was considering it, but I'm not too crazy about the look of it. Too much teeth showing. The Pilot Sport isn't low rolling resistance, right? How do we find out if a tire is LRR?