I have an Iphone and when I used it with my 2007 once I set it up it would always hook in when I was in the car. Now with my 2010 I have set it up and in the past 90 days I have lost the setup at least 5 times? I have noticed that when I start the car and wait till I see the bluetooth hook in then put it into reverse and start backing out all is well. If I start the car and put it in reverse and backout prior to the bluetooh sinking, that seems to be when it does not connect and the next time I have to resink through setup again. Has anyone else had this or simular problems with the 2010? Thanks
No problems with my bluetooth at all. Of course, I start the car and I sort of wait a few seconds see the map and bluetooth connection successful message and about that time I am ready to put in "R". Takes only a few extra seconds so why not try that and see if it't the reason it loses it's synch capability. I never lost it once, Yet. But it also isn't a Iphone. Maybe it's the phone that has the issue???
That is what I have been trying to do, but at times I have forgotten and put it in reverse before it has time to synch. I will try to slow it down and see if that has been the problem. Thanks
I'm a newbie and been enjoying reading the forum. I'am experiencing the same problem also with my 2010. When I bought it 2 mos ago my Blackberry 9+ used to synch automatically, all I have to do is accept it but now I have to do it manually, had to go to the prius setup and it's getting to be a pain, I tried to look for an auto synch and could not find a way to do it, anybody has a quick solution for this on 2010, any help is greatly appreciated.
I still have not found the exact cause for losing my connection but I looks more and more like I am not giving it enough time to sync prior to backing out of my garage. As bobsprius said it only takes a few seconds, but at times I forget.
I never have this problem with my G2 and my Blackberry. I have my Blackberry set to always accept the synchronization, and it never fails, even if I turn the Prius on and start moving prior to the handshake occuring. I also have my wife's phone set the same way. When I start the Prius, whoever's phone is "selected" in the Bluetooth setup (and is in range) is the one that gets synched. And after the car is started, I can select the other phone, and it will drop the first one, and pickup the second one. I've seen other threads that express the same problem with the G3s. I don't know if anyone has contacted Toyota about this issue yet, but hopefully someone will make them aware of it. Sorry to hear about your problems.