I am curious if anyone who has foglights have noticed when changing bulbs if there is an adjustment on the lights to tip up or down? I just did 3000k HID's in mine but of course it wasn't dark until much later so I couldn't see the pattern while it was torn apart. I am asking to see if it will be worthwhile to get under the car again to make the adjustment. Now that the foglights have as much if not more output than the LED's you cannot see the bright yellow beams on the road from inside the car. Seems kind of useless. I'd like to tip them up a bit if at all possible. Thanks in advance for whatever you can help me with.
Yes, they are adjusted by a phillips screw that is pointing downward, toward the back of the lamp. (I believe there are also holes in the panels right below the lamps, just for this purpose). The screw is surrounded by a kind of "knurled" or "geared" knob. You can see it in the Step 3 diagram on page 479 of the owners manual. It's the knob below and to the right of the bulb connector. There is a phillips screw in the center of the shaft (or you can perhaps turn the knob by hand). FYI, according to Toyota, the proper adjustment is that the top of the beam should be the following distance below the height of the center of the lamp: Vehicle 3m (10 ft) from wall: Top of beam 40mm below center of lamp Vehicle 7.62m (25 ft) from wall: Top of beam 102mm below center of lamp If you can't see the beam in front of you, though, you may already have them too high. Hope this helps.
Hey Jayvee, I just finished installing fogs on my II and was hoping you could help understand these instructions better. So when they say "Top of beam 40mm below center of lamp", does that mean I would measure from the ground to the center of the fog lamp and that the top of the beam should measure 40mm below that measurement on the wall 10feet away? Thanks, Peter
Great thanks! I got them adjusted. I went a little higher than noted though, I will see how they work tomorrow morning.