A drunk driver slammed into the driver's side door (i.e. me). My poor 2008 silver pkg 4 with only 14,000 miles and averaging about 55mpg got flung into a telephone pole and then shot down half a block when all was said and done. My passengers came out with no broken bones but they're all in tremendous pain. I ended up with a concussion and two sprained hands. My car is a total loss. We hit the pole so hard that the cops told me a huge piece of it was embedded in the passenger door. Anyway, it looks like I'll be getting a 2010 soon. I'm sort of in shock still but i need to get the ball rolling since driving is vital to my job and social life. What would be the equivalent package to the 2008's pkg 4? Does the extra horse power actually make a big difference? Well, I need to get to bed. I haven't slept since the crash. I get some terrible nightmares when I close my eyes but I'm starting to feel sick from deprivation. Thanks all for the help. I'm sure i'll have a few more questions tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about the accident - major bummer. Hope the pain and bruises go away quickly. As far as the 2010 - I think you'll find that you like it even more then the car you had. The more powerful engine really makes a big difference in the car's drive.
Wow! I'm glad to hear you and your passengers are alive, though in some significant pain. Was anyone else hurt? You will love the move to the 2010. I've never in my life had a car I loved as much as my 2007 (Pkg 6), but the 2010 really does outperform the Gen2. Some of if may be related to the fact I have the Prius V (17" wheels, LEDs, AT Package, etc.). Get your rest and then take some time to make the correct decision about the 2010!
Sorry about the car, but it sounds as though you're keeping it straight that it's just a car and as such is replaceable. I'm glad to hear that you and your passengers are relatively ok. Wounds heal in time and the nightmares go away. No doubt, you'll likely flinch every time you find yourself in a similar driving situation for quite a while. But in the end, you're alive and looking forward to the future and that's the most important part. Take it easy, don't fight the healing process and do exactly what the doctor tells you even after you feel better.
When you get a chance, photos would help. According to the NHTSA, our Prius has the second lowest insurance cost in its group of cars. One reason is survivable accidents and it sounds like this one was pretty horrific. Yet how many SUVs were bought for safety only to suffer higher rates of fatal roll-over accidents ... Bob Wilson
Be sure to take care of yourself. My wife and I were rear-ended and I felt close to fine right after the accident. Everyone said I would feel it the next day. They weren't wrong in that. My wife immediately went to a great massage therapist and had few problems going forward. I "toughed it out" and had a host of problems later. The lesson I learned is to immediately take the best care of yourself and your passenger as you can. Glad you are alive and will be well. Sounds like you need a Prius III.
So sorry to hear about your accident. I sure hope the drunk had insurance!!!! If he/she did, assume they will pay for your car right away, but do NOT sign any release forms for your BI for several months until you know you are alright. GOOD LUCK.
Soon you'll wake up from the whole nightmare and there'll be a new 2010 in your driveway! Hope you and your friends are feeling great very soon.
Thanks, everyone. The appraiser is taking a look at my car today. It was called a "total loss" at the scene, but we'll wait and see (it was spraying fluid and there was a burning smell. the MFD was still up and I was able to shut the car off with the power button). Thanks for the well wishes. I'm hurting all over, can't grip with either hand and my neck stiffened up quite a bit over night. I don't want to feel like I'm "getting something" out of this disaster, but it's giving me something to look forward to. I thank God every other minute that my girlfriend and her family survived. That Prius is a tough little tank. Speaking of which, is the 2010 just as safe?
IMHO, safer. Optional elements are now standard and the hood, front quarter panels and bumper are more pedestrian safe. You'll find the handling is certainly better than my 2003 Prius, it actually tracks rather than sort of wanders down the road. Then you've got four, disc brakes instead of the old drum brakes in the rear. The springs and shocks look more substantial and the body is stiffer for better handling. If you haven't test driven one, you are in for a treat. Bob Wilson
Just talked to my dealership. As soon as I get the go-ahead from my insurance, they'll have a black pkg 3 2010 waiting for me.
Gratz. I guess. (wish it was under better circumstances) Very glad that you and your passengers are ok. I hope you have a good and speedy recovery. If you continue to hurt, try to find a good Osteopath in your area, especially one who works in Neuromuscular medicine. Only reason I tell you this, is because I have a friend in the Chicago area, who is one, and she can do things other doctors/chiropractors can not.
Anouther energy conserving vehicle is off the road. Why can't they just leave us alone. J/K Glad to hear everyone came out (relativly) ok. How did the other driver fare? Glad to also hear that you will be back on the road with a car you want.
Thank God you and your friends are OK. I can't imagine how scary that experience is. I hope the drunk driver is punished severely.
I don't know. I heard he had a cut on his head. The guy was (allegedly on both counts) drunk and tried to flee when the EMTs arrived. Hopefully he's in jail right now . . . Eh, they rarely are around here. I'm just praying he has insurance!
Don't forget to grab the center caps off the wheels before they send it to the crusher... Glad you are OK but do seek the best treatment you can get.
So glad you are okay! I hope that guy is in jail! Ugh! Document everything, keep all of your medical receipts, loss of wages for missing any work due to injuries, etc. I was injured as a passenger and out of work for a month. Still haven't seen a dime, it's been almost 8 years.
That's horrible but I'm so glad you all survived. My best wishes for a complete recovery for everyone. Make sure you all get the treatment you need. And yes, getting a 2010 will be something to look forward to. I'm not sure what would be the equivalent of a Gen II package 4, but I would go for the high-end to give you something even more to look forward to -- either the IV with solar roof or the V with ATP, depending on what interests you. The Gen III is supposed to be safer. It has more air bags and vehicle stability control is standard.
The package 3 is about identical. I can't really do more than what my other car was worth, though. I'm not really in this for a new car, I just want my life back.