Still waiting for that phone call from my dealer to tell me my PIV is in. In driving around though seeing all the various Prii on the road I have to ask, is the Obama/Biden bumper sticker standard equipment or an option???
It might be a California port or dealer installed option. My IV in MA didn't come with one. Hope yours arrives soon!
Good thing it is an option, as folks here would ruin a lot of perfectly good white sheets if I had an Obama sticker on my car.
Didn't you guys already have a war over that? Like, a few hundred years ago? Or are all your wars supposed to be endless? :tape2:
Hyo, the "sheet" comment just emphasized the point that we are conservative in our thinking and our values here......
I took the sheet comment to be a reference to the Ku Klux Klan, with the implied threat that anyone who would support a black person for president would be hunted down and killed. Have I completely misjudged the context, or is this what you refer to as 'conservative'?
The veiled "sheet" reference was probably to the KKK, but don't equate that with conservative values. Those people are and always have been fringe radicals. I don't really judge by skin color but rather by the issues.....and I don't agree with Mr. Obama's agenda.....So in a nutshell, that's it....
Spectra...........cute sticker....."Eleanor" is devoid of any stickers..........except the "eye of the tiger" in the upper right hand corner of the hatch glass. That of course, is LSU's symbol. license plate is "NSCRLVR," so I guess you know that whatever takes up more space is of more importance!!!!