My new 2010 bliZZard pearl with 1200 miles will not start with my spare smart key. It will not open the doors either. When i push the start button a message comes up saying it can't read the key. A one month old key shouldn't have a battery problem yet. Any ideas?
Press the lock or unlock button on your smart key, if the key battery is dead, the LED light will not blink. If it is dead take it to your dealer or you can repleace the smart key battery, with a CR1632 battery.
i',, get in to the dealer this coming week. it is hard to believe that a battery will go dead in 4 weeks on new vehicle
Well from the posts it looks like the key used to work. The only time that has happened to me was where I stored the spare Fob, it was actually being pressed all the time in the place I stored it, since something was pressing the button and caused it to drain. But your message when putting it to the dash makes it sound like it did not get programmed?? If you think it's the battery and no LED lights when a button pressed, then pick up a CR1632 (?) battery and replace it. If it works then your all set if not, it's not been programmed right.
I'd bet it's simply the battery. I bought a new key, and the battery was dead within a couple of months. The replacement has been going for almost a year now. Believe it is a CR2032.
According to the Owners Manual battery should last 1-2 years. The replacement battery is CR1632. Most electronic stores, Radio Shack should have them.
Hold the remote in front of the start button and if the car starts it is the battery, if not the remote is not programed to the car.
Did you figure out how to open the new fobs? The old ones are simple, but I couldn't use the same method on the 2010. Evidently they've changed the battery type as well.
Yes, remove the spare mechanical key from the slow. Place a soft thin cloth over a standard screwdriver head (to avoid damage to the plastic) and turn the screwdriver in a counterclockwise direction to pry open the cover. The battery compartment will then be exposed in which you can replace the battery. Be sure to place the battery (+) side UP. And then replace the cover and you should be good to go.
Thanks! BTW, the end of the mechanical key is a perfect fit for the indentation where you pry the two halves apart. Also, the CR1632 is about a 150 mah battery, compared to the old fob's CR2032, good for about 225 mah. Might be more prone to an early demise.
Rob, Great Idea, didn't even think of using the Mechanical Key! That's why these posts are so helpful with those hints! Thanks and for the Battery Info as well... Bob
Hi Stu, A quick test might be to use the non-functioning fob to open the door with the emergency key (the metal key) then hold the fob right on top of the start button to see if the Fob dead battery procedure works. See your owners manual for more details & exact placement of the fob over the start button. --TK
I replaced the battery yesterday, and it solved the issue. But cannot understand why a battery failed in a month old car.
You don't know how long the key has been active. It could have been stored improperly before you received it, or perhaps the battery had a problem. Tom