Turn off the switch on the wall to your TV. The power station still has power, the TV isn't broken but there is no picture and sound. That is how neutral works in a Prius. All it does is switch off the power to MG1 & MG2. They can neither capture or release kinetic energy.
Note that this implies some things. For example, if you push or pull a Prius in "N" too fast you can generate pretty high voltages inside the MGs (no load) as well as the inverter. There are warnings in the owners manual about that. Also, like many other cars, parts don't get properly oiled unless the system is running, so a -short- tow will be ok, but don't expect to tow a long distance without damage! Most of the parts in the HSD will be spinning when you tow it. The engine won't spin. So, for example, if you want to tow behind your motor home, front wheels off the ground please! Or better yet, perhaps a trailer.
Both MG1 and MG2 are connected through six each IGBT's(switching devices). As Pat wrote, all IGBT's are off during N position. Ken@Japan
Aussies, apparently. And . . . folks who want to be able to cut off all electric flow to electronic devices in order to save $$ and lower pollution.
I do. Check the standby wattage on the TV nameplate, You will want to add a switch. Its called phatom power your computer, printer, phone chargers etc... all use power if not unplugged or switched off by a wall switch. Added all the watts you maybe surpise how much power to being used for nothing.
kingkongva, If it hasn't been said, :welcome: to PRIUSchat. Yes. A qualified yes, up to 60 MPH anyway. There are other safety considerations: no regen braking if needed, etc. These answers are for the Gen II, if not applicable to Gen III, I trust that I'll be corrected. Here's a good thread for more info: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...parison-methods-pedal-control-vs-neutral.html
60mph? I won't glide in neutral over 64km/h The ice will spin if the speed is over 64km/h if the transmission is in drive so I won't go over 64km/h in neutral, which I do use sometimes on long gentle hills where the speed holds pretty true. I pop the trans into drive to wash off speed if it goes over 64km/h.
Pat, Yes, 60 MPH as discussed in this thread, which for new folks may be more accessible that the one I cited earlier: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/38676-coasting-in-neutral.html As I understand it, 60 MPH is the theoretical speed maximum safe speed. I would never push things like this to the limit, but at least two posters have reported going over it for a very short period without apparent damage or ill effects. Not me, brother. ~ 35 MPH is the highest I've gone. That's about what 62km/h? We would seem to be of one mind on this. A speculation, perhaps even somewhat informed : I strongly suspect that somewhere in the HSD there is a logging function that logs the highest values for critical operational functions; max temps for ICE, MGs, HV batt, etc; ICE rpms, speed, etc. I think that max MG1 rpms is one of the values recorded and therefore retrievable by techs. An overspeed would likely cause subsequent trouble in a warranty claim on drive train components.
There are two conditions about "shifting to neutral" above 42mph. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/38676-coasting-in-neutral.html#post504027 "4) Above 42 MPH the ICE always runs. If you select N above 42 MPH then the ICE runs by burning fuel. If you feather the pedal and obtain warp stealth, then the engine spins but the engine does not use any fuel. If you go to N above 42 MPH the ICE uses fuel to idle. 5) Warp N This is where you select N below 42 MPH with the ICE off and then go faster than 42 MPH. The ICE will not come on because the electric motors will not engage. This mode is not recommended because you can overspeed MG1." Pat is saying about the condition (4). I think you're saying about the condition (5). Please be aware that the lubricating oil pump for the PSD is driven by the ICE, therefore it is not good idea to let the ICE off for long distance at high speed. Ken@Japan
Correct. Park is different from Neutral in two ways: 1) A mechanical parking pawl keeps the drive wheels from turning. 2) The ICE can start and charge the battery while in Park. Tom
The mechanical pawl is the reason you should probably engage the parking brake if parking on much of an incline. Sorry, just can't think of the thing as an "emergency brake"
I couldn't point as to which posting, but I have seen it called an emergency brake. I assume that was just a mis-naming though.