I was walking towards my car in the parking lot and saw it happened in real time. He backed out from the opposite parking spot and hit my bumper. Football-sized scratch, but no dent. I got the driver's info and called the insurance. What's the best case scenario here? It's the pearl color so it's very obvious. Do normal body shops have this color or do I go to the dealer to have it fixed?
I'm sorry to hear about this. I understand how you feel, also. As mad as you are, remember that what happened easily may be repaired. No one was injured, and your only losses are the scratch, your time dealing with it and your attachment to an unmarred car. As noted, the first of these can be repaired. The second loss is upsetting and more difficult. The third loss has its own value -- it is a bit too easy to become attached to a shiny new object! I got the scratch like yours, but with paint loss, creases and a couple of dents. It happened in a parking lot two weeks after I got the car. I didn't see it, and the perp didn't stick around or leave a note. I thought it was pretty bad, but it did give me some freedom simply to drive and park wherever! Perspective arrived two months later when someone backed into my still beautiful new car when it was parked in front of my house. Less than two weeks later, and only three days after getting my repaired car back from the shop, it got whacked again. This time, I was in the car, but I was stopped and had my hand on the horn the whole time. For more reading pleasure on the events: Again!! Second Prius to be Hit -- Back to the Same Repair Shop, I Guess Again & Again!! Third Time to be Hit in Four Months -- Back to the Same Repair Shop . . Again! I don't mean to dismiss the loss or tell you there is no reason to be upset. What happened to you is more than a little inconvenience, but it is manageable. Regarding your question of who may repair the scratched paint: Any quality body shop/collision center will be able to get the necessary paint and effect the repair.
Bummer---sorry to hear of it. It can't hurt to call the dealer to see if they recommend anyone; I always like to be able to say "so and so recommended you..." so they know that if they do a crappy job their rep will be tarnished more than if you just walk in off the street. Also, although this probably won't apply in your case due to the (seemingly) minor damage, *always* insist on OEM parts. Since the other guy's insurance is covering it, it wouldn't cost you more out of pocket, but even if it did, it would be worth covering the difference, especially on a car this new. I've seen too many cases where it looked great coming out of the body shop, and a few months/years later panels became misaligned, clearcoat became partly cloudy, etc. Be assertive. Good luck! Tim
Great recommendation! This is how I ended up at the current body shop. The good news is that the car is so new every insurance company will agree to OEM parts. In fact, it may be hard to find replicas. Vigilance always is the key word. Do not be hesitant to ask any questions. If the responder is hesitant, then take note!
I was upset because it's only 2mo old. I'm still waiting for the other insurance company to call me back. So do they repaint the bumper or do they give me a new bumper because it's a new car? I don't even know what to ask for in this case.
If there is no structural damage, I believe they will simply repaint. They may need to blend the paint in across the hood, though they will do a great job it.
Sorry to hear you have been the victim of a careless driver. Here is what I did. I'll assume the damage is worth an insurance claim. Go to your local Toyota spare parts counter, tell them about the accident and ask which crash repaired in the area uses the most genuine Toyota parts. Go to them. The spare parts guys will normally give good recommendations.
My car got hit in the parking lot when someone backup in to my car too. I got hit on the side bumper and the quarter panel area. I just got an estimate for $4000+ yesterday. I was shock to hear the price and then I ask the bodyshop why it cost so much. He told me that the insurance aduster sugguest to replace a new quarter panel which is a big job. They will have to cut off the quarter panel area to almost the passenger side area. For the bumper, the insurance company declined to replace a new bumper for me. They told the bodyshop to just fix it. I really hate the idea of my new car being cut apart and not having a new bumper replace. The good news is the bodyshop told me he doesn't agree with the insurance company. He said the quarter panel look fixable and doesn't required a new one but they will have to tear down first to see how badly the damage was. For the bumper, he said the insurance company should have let me get a new one instead of getting it fixed. So, I'll be calling insurance company complaining about the bumper today. Hopefully they will replace a new bumper for me.
I'd stick with the guy at the body shop on this one. They can do a lot with that metal, but the plastic bumper is another story. If they find broken brackets when the bumper comes off, it should be a no-brainer. I'd also inform the insurance company you are going to make a claim for damages because the car has been devalued -- not only because of the significant accident repairs, but also because they are not reinstalling OEM parts to make it just like new. Further: If your car took quite a shot right on the wheel (or the tire), there is a possibility you will have an alignment issue. I said this same exact thing, and the insurance company had no problem having the car taken to the Toyota dealer for an alignment. Of course, with mine I had to have a wheel replaced, so that may have given more weight to my argument.
"other insurance company"???? Call your insurance company and let them deal with the other party's insurance company. Any insurance company will take the side of their policy holder, so you'll have better luck letting them fight each other than dealing with them yourself.
This certainly is a viable option, but please understand what may happen. If you go through your insurance company, you will be filing a claim. If you file a claim it will show on your record. Ask your insurance agent what this may do to your costs or insurability. Your insurance company will then subrogate the claim. You will have to pay for the repairs, and then your insurance company will fight to have the costs covered by the other insurance company. You will be reimbursed to the extent of your insurance company's recovery (attorney's fees are not charged to you). What issues are at stake? Be certain of your position regarding liability. It is very common for the insurance companies to agree fault isn't 100% on one side. Be certain your insurance company agrees with your position. Also, be certain your insurance company agrees with the call for new OEM parts as opposed to repair. The best way to get to this point is to have your insurance company's adjuster view the car and come up with an estimate (or a local collision shop's adjuster if they are specially-contracted with the insurance company). Good luch to you!!
Ditto on the claim for reduced value due to accident history. I had been hit at one time and filed a claim against the other drivers insurance who paid for the repairs, I then filed a claim to that insurance company for what they called "diminished value" (I think their policy allowed diminished value to be claimed within 1 year of the occurrance of the damage). The insurance company told me to take my car to a dealership and have their used car department give me two signed and written quotes of what they would offer for my car as a trade-in both with and without knowledge of the history of repairs. The dealer gave me the quotes, the insurance company wrote a check for the difference.
If your car is hit and it is determined the other driver is at fault...which in your case they were, since your car was parked...file a claim with YOUR insurance company and let them handle it. Your car will be repaired at a body shop of YOUR choice (or YOUR insurance company's choice) and you will be responsible ONLY for your deductible. When your insurance company goes after the other person's insurance, you should have your deductible refunded to you, which might take a few months. Seeing that your car was parked and you were not at fault, I don't see how this could impact your driving record or cause your insurance company to have a negative impact on you and your insurance policy (ie, no increase in premium). This is exactly what happened to me when my 2005 Prius was hit by a truck (only doing about 5 mph), while I was STOPPED at a stoplight. I got hit by those lugnuts that stick out from the side of the wheels and had four very nice circumferential scratches (and a few dents) in the driver side rear quarter panel. It marred by pristine Prius, but I got over it. It got fixed to perfection and about a month later I received a check from the trucking company for the deductible I had paid. All's well that end's well!
join the club. with metal flake paint, it will be expensive to fix. i had a small dent slightly larger than a quarter or so, loss of paint. etc. $1084.76 to fix. which was dent removal, repaint of the fender and the panel next to it required to make a paint match. i bought touch up paint, pocketed the change. hopefully, someone else will hit me, same place. fix both at the same time.
I'm glad it all worked out well for you. It is important for folks to know, though, that when it is not your fault, you are the one who choses where the car is fixed. You can allow the other party's insurance company to make all of the choices, but it really is up to you. You may have to take another step or two, but it will be worth it to get the repair you desire. Also, when you make the claim directly, as a third-party claim, you are able to make a claim for a loss due to inherent diminished value. Further, you will not have to put out the collision deductible, and you should be able to have the repairs paid for directly by the other party's insurance company. It really is a matter of your own comfort. If you'd prefer to deal with your own company, and you don't mind being out the deductible (or more) for some period of time, then go for that method. I simply want to chose who does the work, and I don't want to have to put up my own money.