I had the misfortunate of backing into the bikerack hanging off another car this weekend. The bikerack bar hit right in the center of the driver's side rear taillamp, leaving a nice puncture wound in the middle of it. I have the replacement lens on order, but I was wondering if anyone knows how difficult it is to replace the taillamp lens assembly on one's lonesome?
I went to feel for those nuts, you may want to take out the felt shroud, and not just the lamp access hole. Getting to the nuts is not very close to the lamp access opening. I did feel for, and find what felt like one push retainer. The one that you push in the center pin, and then the whole retainer can be pulled out. The repair manual indicates there is supposed to be two. Also the repair manual doesn't mention the weather stripping, which when I felt around, there obviously was one. Still, if you can add an XM or something like that, you should be able to replace the taillamp assembly.