I don't have the phone, but I do have a ipod touch, many of the same apps apply. I have the fart app, how could I not with two sons? They LOVE to hook it up in the car and have "fart wars". I also have several game apps, my 7 year olds favorite is the one with the little island people, where you get to play God, I think he wants more control in his life... I don't want an iphone because I like my verizon service so I have a dare. similar but I don't get the same amount of cool points that a genuine iphone owner does. I think I'm doing fine with the macbook and prius though so... I win. On a serious note, I get tired of the techno snobbery and the green snobbery. In the area I live in it's rampant. I keep reminding my neighbors I am only half tree-hugger, they should keep that in mind with their expectations. I WILL use the pesticide to keep the silver dollar size spiders the hell out of my bedroom!
With apologies to those who have heard this story from me before, it seems apropos here. It was an extremely hot, sunny day in northern Wisconsin when I was arrested with a friend and locked into a cop car. The cop, being a nice guy (they often are, when dealing with middle-class white guys like us) said he was leaving the motor and the air conditioning on for us. My friend told him, "You don't have to leave the engine running for us. We're radical environmentalists." I told my friend to speak for himself, as I am a moderate environmentalist. If I'm going to sit in a car with the windows closed for an hour on a sunny and sweltering day, I want the air conditioning on. I'd have settled for open windows, but that was not an option.
Only half-way to treehugger status? I can help with that. Pesticides in your house will do and your children far more harm than spiders. Maybe a poison-free app of a spider-crunching cat will scare them off.
I bought the little sonar thingies to put in my plug ins. I am a tad arachnophobic so will go to almost any length to assure msyelf a panic free night of sleep. So far... those little plug in things seem to be working. I have had a spider-free bedroom for the last few months. *knock on wood, stone, glass, and anthing else that might guarantee I did not just jinx the fix*
I definitely agree with this - try to keep your house poison-free. I've found that any of the perimeter products (like Ortho's Home Defense MAX) do a great job, without bringing any poisons into the house. Simply watch the forecast and find a few sunny days, then walk around and spray the base of your house with it. It does a great job of repelling bugs that want inside. And you should get a dog - mine eats all the spiders he can find
"I bought the little sonar thingies to put in my plug ins." they will adapt quickly to that. Those icky spiders are keeping populations of other bugs at bay that carry bad germs. The only way to controll bugs is obsessive cleaning, esp. in places like the basement and laundryroom. That and caulking. My wife used to be scared of spiders but has learned to appreciate their usefullness. Now she's only scared of the big dark ones. And centipedes. Centipedes freak the crap out of her.
When it comes to bugs in the house, I recommend malathion. It's a good broad-spectrum insecticide that's less deadly to people than some others. Spray it on the screens to kill flies and along baseboards to kill creepy-crawlies. "Better living through chemistry." :cheer2: Note: Like any good hypocrite I don't follow my own advice. But then, I don't have many bugs in my house, either. I suspect the association sprays the ground all around outside. I know they use weed killer on the lawns. I think the bugs all get cancer from the herbicides.
Yum yum. I read an article not to long ago that stated we all end up consuming between 5 and 10 spiders over a lifetime because they crawl into our mouths while we sleep. (Although not based on any scientific evidence, I suspect that snoring may actually attract them and may explain why heavy snorers tend to weight more). So the next time you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, chew like hell first and then check for evidence of spider legs. The front legs actually make pretty good tooth picks in a pinch.:brushteeth: I actually prefer the wolf spider. If you can get past the torso, which has a real bite to it, the right rear leg has a silky flavor with the slightest hints of garlic. Of course the left leg is always the choice part, crunchy with a slight cilantro/oregano mix that goes well with most reds. :nod:
I found this one and laughed coffee out my nose: [ame=http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1766423]iPhone Parody #3 - CollegeHumor video[/ame]
I hear that coffee is good for sterilizing your nasal passages. It has to taste better than that saline crap you squirt up your nostrils