As some of you know I tend to get a new stereo every year and with the changes to cell phone laws here in CA I finally decided to go with a Bluetooth capable unit. The wiring was the same as my old Kenwood so the install was straight forward. The original install thread can be found HERE. The pics on the last page were taken while I installed the new KDC-X993. *note* I may have maxed out bandwidth for the month so pics will be back up on the 1st of June ) The rest of the stereo system remains the same (Details on the system can be found HERE) but the addition of this unit and its Digital Time Alignment feature has me really happy with the purchase. I created a thread awhile back about getting better imaging and staging in the Prius and no matter what I tried it never seemed to work very well. The last straw was to purchase either a stereo with DTA built in or a 31 band left/right equalizer. I decided on the stereo and man is it nice. By simply adding a time delay to the left speakers (1.18ft.), I can get a very clear center image without detracting too much from the overall stage. When listening to any decent recording I can distinctly hear the vocals coming out of my MFD (well that spot anyway)! The Bluetooth feature is wonderful and fact this unit allows you to choose various colors for the display I can nearly match my factory colors or just let it cycle through all the colors which is what most of the girls seem to like. Sorry for the poor pictures. I may have to wait till it is dark for better ones. The glare is killing me. So in all I am very satisfied with this stereo. For anyone planning on doing a bit more for sound quality and would like to get a nice clear center image AND bluetooth, I highly recommend it. Besides, It has a 24bit D/A, 4v pre-outs and a 2-yr warranty. KDC-X993 Advanced Flip Face MP3/WMA USB/CD Receiver with Built-in Bluetooth
Funny, that's the one I was thinking of! Is the 693 model exactly the same, except for price and bluetooth, or are there other differences?
For the most part. You're paying a premium for the Bluetooth I know you like your music so you'll like the time alignment feature once you hear the difference.
Yes, it looks like an impressive deck, alright. I'll have to compare the specs of the two models more closely. I don't really need Bluetooth, and for $150 less, it's an even better deal. edit: I printed out the features of both, and they appear to be identical except for the Bluetooth. Another cool feature of these units, if I remember correctly, is lotsa pretty lights. "Variable Colour Illumination" is Kenwood's term for it.
For some reason I originally thought the 693 didn't have Digital Time Alignment (DTA) but according to the Kenwood site it does. I'll check next Saturday when I work as we have a few in stock I can look at.
where are you located in Sacramento ? I live in bay area would like to make a trip to get stereo unit installed. thanks kv
Our sho is located in Fairfield so that is even closer to you. I have not been working there for the last month or so due to my surgery but I believe I will be there on Saturday near the end of the month. I only work there 1 day a week. If you are interested in having a unit installed you can go any time and I can call my boss and let him know what you are looking for or we can schedule you when I'll be there. The shop is called: Audio & Performance System 1819 North Texas Street Suite B Fairfield CA 94533 707-422-2771 (behind the Foodmax shopping center) Justin
Hi Justin, Thanks for the info. Do you happen to know out the door installed cost for parrot mki9200 ? K velaga
Thanks for all your posts on installing an aftermarket radio. I'd love to do this but can not stand to lose the hands free function or the audio for the navigation system that uses the built in radio. :-( I wish these systems were not so integrated into the crappy JBL system.