So I understand how you need to do the idle check thing twice after the coolant reaches 70 C in order to get to stage 4. But I also know the engine will shut off even before reaching stage 4 if you start to glide above 34 mph. So let's say you're in stage 3 and you glide all the way to a stop from, say 35 mph. And you stay stopped (or less than 6 mph) for the required 7 seconds. Does this count as one of your "idle checks" needed to get to stage 4? I think not, but I don't know why. I also tried to put the stages ritual in a state diagram. See if this helps. Thanks, Rob
Only one idle check is required, but the engine must go from running while the vehicle is stopped for the 7 seconds until it shuts off. So, no, you can't glide from above 35mph to a stop and stay stopped and count as your idle check. What I do is glide to that stop, gun the ice with my foot on the brake to get it started, then while waiting for the light let the idle check occur. I am curious where you got the idea that 2 idle checks is required. BTW, cool diagram, I'd never seen that before.