Electrical problem or just headlights?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Barcelona Red Lass, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Barcelona Red Lass

    Barcelona Red Lass Sips gas like fine wine!

    Jul 12, 2007
    Sunny So.Cal!
    2007 Prius
    We have had our Gen II since 2007. We were suckered into the dealer service package, so the dealer has seen the car every 5K miles since we bought in 7/6/07.

    Two days ago my son noticed that the left front headlight was dim. I figured no problem, get a new headlamp and plug it in there, so I figured I could take care of it this weekend. Then this morning I noticed the right front headlamp was dim, not the left, and that the back running lights are out... OUT. Blinker still works, but I can't push the gas pedal and see if the brake lights are out or not, so I don't know about those.

    Is this some weirdness just because one of the headlamps is going, or do you think I've got some kind of electrical problem? So far there has been NO warning lights on the dash, or any indications of a problem.

    Should I take it to the dealer? Replace the headlamps myself and go from there?

    Normally I would have my husband deal with it, but he's away on business and I don't think this should wait.

  2. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    It's not likely that this is caused by a single bad bulb. You have some sort of an electrical problem which should be checked.

  3. biphnest

    biphnest Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Barcelona Red Lass -

    Attack one problem at a time. Try to rule out the most common and easiest to repair failures first.

    The back running lights are the easiest to diagnose and repair. Your owner's manual gives you instructions on how to locate and replace the rear bulbs.

    First try simply removing and reinstalling the existing rear running light bulbs. This solved the problem on one of my rear lights. I'm not sure if the bulb was not properly seated or if the contacts were dirty, but removing and reinstalling the bulb fix my problem.

    If removing and reinstalling the existing bulbs does not correct the problem then buy two new bulbs from your local automotive supply store. The bulb number is marked on the bulb and is also listed in your owner's manual.

    The headlights are somewhat more difficult.

    First, you'll need to determine if your car is equipped with Halogen or HID headlights (if you don't already know). If you have your original window sticker it'll list which headlights are installed on your car.

    Are the headlights dim while your are driving the car? While the car is idling, With the engine off?
  4. Barcelona Red Lass

    Barcelona Red Lass Sips gas like fine wine!

    Jul 12, 2007
    Sunny So.Cal!
    2007 Prius
    If I turn the lights on, they come on as soon as the car is turned on. I don't know if they are Halogen or HID. They are not that blue toned color, they are just plain white lights. They have never been changed before. They don't dim, they're either on or off.

    I would agree that perhaps the rear lights are just not seated properly, but there's been nothing that would have jarred them loose.

    Also, after some google searching, I've seen a lot of postings about headlamp problems with the 06 and 07 Prii which seem to feel that there is an electrical problem causing the intermittent problem, and I'm wondering if the same problem is causing the rear light problem. Also, would replacing the rear bulbs myself then invalidate the warranty? If the front problem turns out to be a warranty issue, I want to be sure the dealer pays for it, and not me.
  5. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Once again, no. The electrical problem that causes headlight trouble for some Prius is from the HID headlight system. Those problems are confined to the HID capsules and controllers (ballasts). Unless there is an overall 12V power problem with your Prius, it is unlikely that the headlight issue is related to the tail lights.

    You need to determine if you have HID headlamps. When you turn them on, do they flash brighter just for a second? If so, they are HIDs. Another way to tell is to look at one while someone switches between high beam and low beam. With HIDs, a small shutter moves to block the upper light output. With halogens another light element is powered to produce the high beam.

    With respect, your confusion and lack of understanding of the fundamental differences of HID verses halogen suggests that you might not be the correct person for a DIY repair job. Do you know a technical person who can help?

  6. KK6PD

    KK6PD _ . _ . / _ _ . _

    Mar 24, 2008
    Los Angeles Foothills
    Other Hybrid
    The VERY first thing you should check before you start dissasembling your baby, check the FUSE'S!!!

    Look in the manual, it points the location, and their function. Find the one that supplys voltage to the rear lights. Just replace with a KNOWN GOOD fuse. Still have the problem, then move on. If bulbs test good, then you have bigger problems to worry about, it's dealer time!!!
  7. biphnest

    biphnest Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Barcelona Red Lass -

    The attached Toyota "How to Replace a Bulb" publication may be helpful.

    Attached Files: