I've been enjoying my car over the past year and have not visited this forum much, so I apologize if I'm asking about something that's been previously, fully discussed. Boy, would I like to use the NAV while the car is in motion. Last time I asked about this I was directed to "Ultimate Lockpick 3" device. Frankly, it looks like too much to install for a minor league DIY'er like me. Has the installation changed or have any other options surfaced that would allow the NAV to receive input while the car is in motion? Thanks, Jeff
They're actually pretty easy. My wife & I put one on her lexus hybrid suv (pulling out the radio and center of the dash to get behind the mfd) in less than 40 minutes ... dropping one small screw into oblivian ... but otherwise a smooth set up. One of our stranger 'datenights'. .
Yeah, it's the "pulling out the radio and center of the dash" part that gets my attention. Seriously now, can someone who doesn't tinker with cars do this? Jeff
actually I am in the same boat with my 2004. If you only want the navigation tool, you an get the basic Lockpick, which from what I understand is a simple plug in under the driver seat. The Ultimate lockpick does the navigation, bluetooth, and unlocks the video screen, which may be more than you want. Does anyone know how involved the Blue Lockpick is to install? I can pull the air conditioning vents (and did to install my XM) but would like to avoid removing the radio or display.