Why is there no Heat option in my Prius? Am I supposed to freeze all winter? Please, Please, tell me how do I get heat? There's nothing about it in the Manual, either!!????
You are over thinking this. Temperature up gives you heat. Temperature down cools. It couldn't be simpler. Tom
Oh, I tried that 'til it said I couldn't go any higher- but, it was only at 80º. 80 is certainly alright, but I was wondering where will I get that blast of heat in winter from? I'm in Texas and we freeze down here when it gets to 40. I'll look at it again and see what happens! Thanks!! I thought that would be the answer!!
80'F is the set point for the air returning to the A/C. The air blasting out of the vents will be much hotter.
It was 49° here this morning. It has to get a lot colder before we even consider heat. I was swimming four days ago. Tom
If I recall correctly it goes to 85 Degrees and then says HI in the display. You will find you will be quite toasty from the heating system I assure you of that..... I tried mine this evening and it was quite Toasty....had to turn it off...in fact...
I swam in Wonderful Lake Michigan this summer! I think Bobsprius probably hit the nail on the head- I bet I had the a/c when i couldn't lift the temp above 80º Thanks for all the great feedback! My sales agent told me about his site. It's a great resource! :cheer2:
Totally noob question, but is the heating system similar to conventional cars or is there type of electric heating element?
The Prius A/C system has some special features: 1) Electrically driven direct drive variable speed sealed A/C compressor (no belts or seals, and runs only at the required speed). 2) Fully automatic operation, including solar and humidity sensors. 3) Electrical heater elements for fast warm up on very cold days. The electrical elements only come into play if you crank up the heat on a cold day. They aren't big, but they do help provide heat quickly. Tom