Had mine for 3 months now, and it seems the dash top and console control area is such a dust magnet. Not sure if it's the plastic material or what, but I've never had a car that shows dust as much as this model. And the audio / AC screens... same. Of course the dash material is darker but... I never drive with windows open. I'm sweeping my little California Duster over it every other day. And seems if I brush dust off with my hand, it leaves a whiteish streak. I'm not a neat-freak, but it is irritating. I'd think the ventilation filter would trap dust particles. Plus I have a V with plasmacluster - whatever difference that makes.... Like I need to have a maid come through my car every week.... Anyone else notice this? Is the eco-plastic responsible? Is there anti-static spray or such available?
Your area is the culprit? I use the mini California duster every couple weeks and it's relatively dust free.
303 Protectant seems to help keep it from sticking as much on the dash. I haven't found anything to reduce dust accumulation on the screens.
I have the same problem with mine, though thankfully it's very easy to dust it. I wonder if the little fuzzy pieces are most to blame...the stuff near the windows. It's an odd covering for that area.
So - you're saying I need to relocate to rid myself of this problem? Are you in real estate sales? My son lives right up the coast from you in Hermosa, I'll be there in late Oct and will test for dust conditions....
No, I see my words alluded to that. Actually even at 50+ mpg, it's cheaper to fly. - est 5,000 miles R/T - 50 mpg - gas = $2.50 / gallon $250 gas alone. Of course wear/tear/hotel/meals/etc.... Air fare R/T non stop = $240 incl taxes. That would be a nice workout for the Prius though...
My plastic interior has the same issues and I don't have Plasmacluster. A microfiber cloth works great to clean off the dust and smudges. I don't have a solution for keeping the dust from collecting.
Well, that's one reason we ordered, and like, our dashcover. A lot of real estate there and the shade of blue goes very nicely with our Blizz! Less glare and seems to even quiet it down a bit; maybe that's just a false perception on our part but in any event, we like it.
I found the same and use a Microfiber Cloth and/or the Pledge Duster with Static Guard spray and it has helped. I think it is the eco plastics in the car, and if you note, it wipes best in forward/backward motion, not left/right. The static guard has helped though, when sprayed on the duster.
I think the eco-plastic is being falsely maligned. My understanding is that the dash isn't made of eco-plastic, and the amount of eco-plastic is rather small. Toyota Prius: 'Plastic' plants better for the environment ? Car Reviews, News & Advice - carsales.com.au
I use the Swiffer duster... works great... couple of swipes and everything is clean... leaves no residue...
+1 on Swiffer. it won't leave a mark because you're not "brushing" the dashboard. My exterior is a dust magnet. It's covered in a layer of dust or sand or some sort of particles that this city seems to have a lot of.
Not sure where you picked up being "falsely maligned". Simply part of a non-judgmental question: Is the eco-plastic responsible? And none of the posters seemed to have touched upon the eco topic... Update: I apologize BlueMonday - didn't read some posts that closely (reference above) and did not see that reference. But still - maligned?
Bluemonday, I guess I should not have referred to the ECO PLASTICS in that manner. I suspect the manufacturing process changed by adding the texture they did, but do notice it tends to draw more dust or it's more noticeable. But the Swifter trick works well or Pledge Duster.
I was being overly dramatic for (unsuccessful) comedic effect. Basically: I don't think the eco-plastic is at fault here.
Dean my 2004 has the same problem,it takes me atleast a week to see how dirty its getting and when i get around to cleaning it it looks gray instead of black
Question: If someone drives with the windows up all the time, opens/closes door only to get in/out, no sunroof... Where does the dust and muck come from? Wouldn't the cabin filter and Plasma catch particles that large? Is it global warming? Does Prius' electric motors attract this stuff? Are all Prius drivers "attractive"? Is it corporate conspiracy to sell dusting equipment? Before someone chides me for the above ... just kidding.
Your clothes are probably the biggest culprit. (lots of fabric fibers) But I've noticed my "dust" is quite large and shiny. I still attribute most of it to the "mouse fur" surfaces on the front sides of the car. No idea why it falls off, because it's not like I ever touch that part, but I do think that is most of my "dust".